November 30, 2013
Argumentative Essay
To Strengthen Gun Control or Not
Gun control is an issue that is much talked about in the United States of America. Events that took place recently such as the shooting in the Sandyhook Elementary school and the shooting in the showing of “The Dark Knight Rises,” have made the government rethink whether or not the gun control laws, or their lack of gun control laws at that, are strict enough. Although these tragic events took place, people still want to stand by the Second amendment, which states, “… the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” These words being from the Constitution makes it pretty hard to go against it, because most people think its there for a reason so it must be right. However, it is not. The government should not take the right to bear arms away completely, but the government should not let the people have too much freedom with the right as well. Thus we should revise and strengthen gun control laws to the right amount to support Americans and continue to hold onto the less strict way of controlling guns. If you were to take the right to bear arms away from the American people, a new level of anger would rise against the government. The right to bear arms was given to the people back in the day so that the government could no over throw the people. Also the people would have some type of protection against themselves so that if that did ever happen they would be able to defend themselves. Taking this right away would cause a war within our own country. Although many people know this, there are still a lot of citizens that feel as though any type of gun control is going against the Second amendment, and that gun control should not exist at all. But they are wrong. People like the author of “Just Take Away Their Guns,” James Q. Wilson, say that, “ your government, having failed to protect your person and your property from criminal assault,