
We Need Stricter Gun Control Laws

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We Need Stricter Gun Control Laws
Do not attack the weapon, instead, attack on the person who used the weapon. A weapons purpose is to defend oneself. It is the decision of the behind the gun whether they use it for protection or for harm.Citizens should not be banned from guns because it takes away their right to the second amendment. The gun is not the thing hurting people, it’s all about the intention behind the gun.
Many citizens have questions about guns and how they are beneficial to our society or what would happen if the ban was put in place. There are plenty of examples the guns are beneficial to the safety of our family and the general public and what would happen if the ban was set.. “When uniform police are there, the killers wait for the police to leave the area
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We have freedom and rights that no one can mess with, unless the government bans guns. “The second Amendment to the constitution is limited to protecting the state militia’ right to bear arms” (Buckley1). If we ban our citizens guns then we are violating their right to the second amendment. We will being restricting a form of freedom for them. “The basic right of the american citizen is to bear arms, whether to kill game, or to wound and kill human beings bent on murder or rape” (Buckley1). The right to bear arms is important because of this reason. We can hunt and we can protect our people, without that right the criminals would have the advantage not, not the citizens. “Our founding fathers saw guns to be such an important line of defense…” (Chadduck1). This is why the Second Amendment was made. It is the right of an american citizen to keep a gun for safety reasons. Gun were made to harm the enemies targeting us, so do not take that away from the …show more content…
That has been their main purpose ever since they were created. “Banning guns will not stop criminals from obtaining them” (Chadduck1). If we get our guns taken away then the criminals will get the upper hand. Criminals will always have a way of obtaining them no matter what the law says. The law is are just rules that the citizens choose to follow, if you do not, then consequences strike. “A criminal is less likely to target someone who is packing” (Chadduck1). The person carrying a gun has a less likely chance of being attacked by a criminal. There is proof right there that guns protect and prevent attacks. No matter what people think, it protects and everyone knows it. “YOu cannot always count on a cops of being there” (Chadduck1). The banning of guns means someone else has to protect us. Cops are not the fastest people in the world, they are unreliable in the moment of an attack unless they are

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