Firstly you must have good study skills. And you don’t just have these, you have to work hard to develop good study skills. Firstly, get yourself a comfortable environment. May it be your kitchen table, sitting on your bed, on the floor, at a desk, or at the school library. Make sure you feel comfortable wherever you are, that you’re warm but not too warm, you have water, and everything you need to make you feel the most comfortable. Also, somewhere with not to many distractions! If you sit in the lounge room with the tv on behind you, you’re not going to remember a thing! If you sit at your desk with Facebook open right in front of you, turn it off! And if you’re at the library and you catch yourself staring off into that amazing view, move somewhere where you’re facing a wall! Get concentrated! Now, get organised. Without organisation you have no way of studying. Make sure when you go home you have all the right books with you for your study for that night. Maybe have a study book with all your notes in the one place. Don’t get lazy! Being organised is a key point for successful study!
From here your study skills are completely up to you. The way you study may be the exact opposite way from how your best friend studies, but that doesn’t matter, everyone learns in a different way - but this is a skill you must learn for yourself.
Now, to eliminate that stress from your life, you must have a balance. A balance of many things actually. A balanced diet for sure. Drink plenty of water and keep hydrated. Eat breakfast every single morning as this gets you up and going for a busy day of learning! (and not fruit loops they don’t count!) make sure you keep a balance between your fruit and veg but that sneaky chocolate you have at recess won’t do you any harm. Secondly, have a balanced lifestyle! Make sure your weekends don’t consist of just study and no friends! Go out, get loose, go wild! Sit back and relax with your friends and don’t get cooped up on study aaaaall the time! Also, have a balanced physical life. Do regular exercise! Go for a run, or a walk, or go for a nice bike ride with your friends. Go shopping (walking and talking is really good for your abs!)
A balanced lifestyle is really good for your stress levels, it allows you to get out of that study mode every once and a while, and keeps your head from exploding from so much information!
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