Today’s crimes are becoming more violent than ever because of the widespread use of guns. Guns are involved in many incidents today that people did not even worry about in the past. We see people killed because of gang related incidents, robberies, road rage, and many pointless situations. The main reason is there are just simply too many guns on our streets today. Guns are everywhere and about anyone can get one, including seventeen years old, which is evident from the Chardon High School shooting on February 27,2012 and the Virginia Tech massacre in Blacksburg on April 16, 2007 (Lepore 38-47).
I believe the government needs to crack down on the number of gun stores, including the illegal ones. There are so many places to buy guns that there is no way that anyone could keep up with them. It is time the government step in and shut down the little places that sell guns and limit the number of guns made every year. Most of the powerful guns on the street today are stolen and get in the wrong hands, like the 22-calobre pistol that was used to kill high schoolers thirty miles outside Cleveland. The suspect T.J. Lane- a seventeen-year-old boy- went to school on Monday, February 27th, sat down at an empty table, reached into a bag, and pulled out a pistol and started firing without saying a word (Lepore 38-47).
The government isn’t doing enough in terms of