The Article of Confederation was a union between the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts-bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut,New York,New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia each state wanted to have sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction,as well as their right. The Article of Confederation was successful in creating a strong and fair government because many states came together to make an argument which shows the strong part of the government because they are working together as a union to make there own laws. The Articles established a firm league of friendship among the states. Many people may try to disagree, however without the Article of Confederation we wouldn’t have the union that we have today if we didn’t take baby steps to bring all of the states together to make up one …show more content…
Then from those 12 were sent to the states for approval in August of 1789. Of those 12, 10 were quickly approved . Virginia’s legislature became the last to ratify the amendments on December 15, 1791. The Bill of Rights main goal was to focus on the rights that citizens have no matter to those who don’t agree. The first amendment just summarizes the fact that every citizen has the right to choice what they decide to say to belief and no one can come in between that. The second amendment summarizes that Americans have the right to be in possession of a firearm with consents. The third amendment is that soldiers aren’t able to stay at home in times of war. The fourth through eighth amendment are alike which is when you get arrested you have the right to stay to yourself and not speak until given a lawyer as well as it summarizes what happen during court. The last two amendment stick together because the people are who make the decision as a union one person is not ruling as a union they agree on a decision.
To sum it all up, the two system that made a high degree impact to a fair and strong government is The Article of Confederation as well as The Bill of Rights. Some of the positive aspect of The Article of Confederation gave