A total of 80 participants took part in this experiment. Of these, 40 were children between five to eight years of age and 40 were adults between 20 to 40 years old. All participants reported having no problem related to anomalous colour perception, and had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity.
Before Stroop task, Ishihara’s (1939) test of colour blindness was used to check the colour vision of each subject. The Stroop task was presented on a Macbook Air with 13.3-inch (1440 x 900) and Intel HD Graphics 5000 1536 MB. E-prime 2.0.1 was used for formulating the Stroop task. Response time was collected on a trial-by-trial basis and responses collected using the In-build timer in E-prime.
The experiment was …show more content…
The fixation point was a cross. with a point size 18, and last for 250 ms. For each stimulus, a word was appeared immediately at the centered relative as same as the fixation point; on a font equivalent to Times New Roman 18 point. The on-screen width of each stimulus (i.e. both dimensions) together with participants seated approximately 60 cm from the screen, resulted in stimuli subtending a horizontal visual angle of around 3° and 20’ and a vertical visual angle of 4° and 12’.
There were 2 different selection in this experiment, which is the Chinese Stroop task and English Stroop task. By random selection, priorities of the task were determined, and assign it to the participant. Practice session was presented before entering the real Stroop task to reduce practice effect. There were 15 trials in practice session. Each condition had 12 trials; thus, in total there were 36 trials in one single language Stroop task. …show more content…
This came in the form of 51 trials followed by a break. A trial began with a fixation point if between 250 to 500 milliseconds (ms). The delay on a given trial was followed by presentation of the colour simultaneously with the word. Participant named the colour, ignoring the word. As soon as the repose for the current trial was registered correctly, the next trial was automatically begun. Breaks between practice session were used to give feedback to participants as necessary. During these, participant indicate whether they had given any incorrect or non-fluent responses. There were briefly discussed along with any issue noted by the experimenter, with a corrective course of action suggested if appropriate (e.g. ‘try to say only the word’). Participants were permitted to repeat any or all of the practice blocks if unsure of any respect of the