Critical success factors in this industry
Careful methodology, highly skilled technology (intersection of law and digital technology) and unique expertise. Strengths | Weakness | Threats | * Broad market coverage due to its abilityto handle difficult cases at the intersectionOf laws and digital technology. * Human resources competencies-highly skilledstaffs had background in computing, investigative * Or law enforcement. | * Growth without direction-officeheads did not understand the purpose of new strategic plans, they were confused with their roles and responsibilities(overcommitted and uncertainty) * Loss of corporate direction los of corporate control. * Inappropriate organisational structure and control system. | * Rapid growth and expansion- They needed to work rapidly and accurately, any delay could lead to corrupted data. * Data challenge-Complexity of the internet clouds and data privacy laws. * Demand for both digital forensics and * e-discovery services reflected unanticipated occurrence of a data breach. * Increase in competitors due to identified value creation. |
Did the acquisition of Docuity provide Stroz Friedberg with a competitive advantage?
Acquisition of docuity provided added competitive advantage on effective search tools, improved reliability and service and there by better branding and recognition in the market.
Docuity’s patent pending technology and rule based processing ensured better cost controls and quality throughout the process, accounted for approximately 27% of total billings.
What steps have been taken to overcome the firm’s growing pains?How do you assess the steps?
The rapid growth of the firm was successful but challenging. Throughthe review of firms cultural systems,structure,and process had resulted in a significant set of changes.
Organisational review raised several significant issues. They were collectively described as growing