Computer project file
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It is a simple and powerful language which is used to create access and manipulate data and structure in the database.
It is an ANSI standard and keywords cannot be abbreviated. It does not have continuation character and uses functions to perform some formatting
To work with oracle engine the user needs to be able to communicate with it when loaded in the server’s memory.
The most acceptable language of the oracle engine is ANSI SQL. Oracle provides and interactive SQL tool called SQL* plus, which allows the users to enter ANSI SQL sentences and pass them to oracle engine for execution.
There are four main products of oracle and they are oracle server, oracle enterprise edition, oracle personal edition, oracle lite.
1. Client server architecture. 2. Large database and space management 3. Concurrent processing 4. High transaction processing performance 5. Money concurrent database users 6. High availability 7. Manageable security 8. Distributed system 9. Portability and compatibility.
Database languages are used to create and maintain database on personal computer.
● DDL –Data definition language is a language that allows the user to define data and their relationship to other types of data. It is mainly used to create files, databases, data dictionary and tables within database.
1. CREATE: this command is used to create a table Syntax: create table table name (column name data type(data size)); Example: SQL> create table student (s_name varchar2 (12), rollno number