“ Who was here first?” Has been a question among American society. There has been many historical documents about historical figures discovering the “ New World.” During the 1600’s, foreign settlers discovered new land such as the American soil. Many Native tribes were in the region where foreigners trespassed. Foreigners discovered their native land not only their land but their culture. They discovered their beliefs, their customs, their apparel, and their traditions. Foreigners were exposed to new adaptations such as new foods and new animals. Although, some people may view it as fine concept, in the long run Native Culture was affected. Therefore, diseases, enslavement, and loss of culture are ways in which colonialism affected the lives of the Native Americans. …show more content…
Important people like Massasoit were infected by horrible diseases, the Wampanoag clan were alarmed that their leader was going to die. When Massasoit traveled through their land he noticed empty villages, many people died due to these infectious diseases. Evidence suggest, that because of these diseases being lured in, this affected the Native American population. If one person got it, it was imminent that the whole clan was soon going to be affected. If the whole clan were to be affected, there would be a wipe out in their population.
This was not the only way Native Americans were affected, they were also enslaved. Given the fact, that during this time, people were exposed to trade. In the article, “ Columbus Controversy” by History.com staff, it affirms “ Columbus sent thousands of peaceful