Fayyaz Ahmed, Irfan Khan
Department of Computer Science
Comsats Institute of Science & Technology
Data stream is a continuous, unbounded and high speed of data. Stream data arrives from different distributed areas. It is impossible to store all data in active storage. Now a day’s mining data stream is a challenging task for the purpose of KKD, fraud detection, trend learning, transaction prediction, network monitoring, online transactions mining and estimation etc for finding different itemsets. Data in streams are newly arrived with time advancement. Such data is necessary to scan only once, consume limited storage and response in real time. This paper is about the review of mining frequent itemsets, closed frequent itemsets, closed weighted frequent patterns, maximal frequent itemsets, online frequent itemsets, online clustering, transient patterns, frequent sequential patterns using different models and techniques to mine such itemsets over data stream. The comprehensive and theoretical review of mining different itemsets over data stream provide base for work in future. This review shows that the models & techniques used like FP-growth, decision tree, appriori,VALWIN, Top-K, Max-FISM, WSW, HCFI, MAIDS and many others for mining data stream is used as primary solution to the problems occurring in mining different itemsets.
Keywords frequent itemsets, closed frequent itemsets, closed weighted frequent patterns, maximal frequent itemsets, online frequent itemsets, online clustering, transient patterns, frequent sequential patterns, FP-growth, decision tree, appriori,VALWIN, Top-K, Max-FISM, WSW, HCFI, MAIDS, Sliding window model, Landmark window model, time-fading model, tilted model, stream mining.
Data coming in continuously from different area with a high speed and massive size is called data stream. Storing this data overall is