Филолошки факултет “Блаже Конески”
Семинарска работа по предметот
Британска култура и цивилизација на тема:
Британија и борбата против тероризмот
Ментор: Изработил: Дејан Тасевски индекс
Декември 2012
University „St. Cyril and Methodius” - Skopje Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski”
Essay for the subject
British culture and civilization
Britain and the war against terrorism
Ментор: Изработил: Дејан Тасевски индекс
Introduction 4 1. War on terror 5 1.1. Prevention of Terrorism Act 1974 6 1.2. The Terrorism Act 2000 8 1.2.1. Definition on terrorism 9 2. September 11 - Attacks occur in New York and Washington D.C 10 3. The London 7/7 Bomb Attack 10 4. The Counter-terrorism strategy 11 5. Memorials 12 Conclusion 13
The history of mankind is replete with tales of horror of some power-wielding humans going mad, while others have been the victims of their unimaginable brutalities. The perpetrators have ranged from individuals to armed groups to states. The systematic use of terror as a means to attain political objectives exists all over the world.
The attention we give to terrorism often seems disproportionate to its real importance. Terrorism incidents make superb copy for journalists, but kill and maim fewer people than road accidents. Nor is terrorism politically effective. Empires rise and fall according to the real determinants of politics – namely overwhelming force or strong popular support – not according to the bit of mayhem and pandemonium caused by isolated fanatics whom one would take seriously enough to vote for it. Indeed, the very variety of incidents that might be described as