“Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”
-Preamble, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Essential Questions
● What are human rights and from where do they originate?
● What issues prevent universal agreement on what constitutes human rights?
● Are human rights culturally specific or universal? ● How are human rights monitored and how are human rights treaties enforced?
Origins of human rights- theories
● Natural law
________ ( Thomas Aquinas 1200s, John Locke + Thomas Hobbes 1600s ) all people have an ____________________________ good laws incorporate _________________________
_________________ reasoning process not dependent upon a state or document to _________ them- _____________________________________
Born good? Babies and morality
Origins of human rights- theories
● Positivism
consent is ______________ to the establishment of human rights norms (began with Protestant Reformation, then writers of 1700-1800s)
question the idea that ______________________, since what might be natural to some ___________
Human rights exist because states consent to them
States are ________________________________
Social norms
Historical background
● _____________ (1215) Britain, limited but was an attempt to _________________________
○ habeas corpus: must be informed of charges against you
monarch must not be above the laws
● _____________________________________
_________ (1789) after French Revolution
○ list of _______________________- free speech, religion, innocent until proven guilty
● _____________ (1789), ____________ (1791)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
● Describes the rights
● 18 delegates +