The description of the final “shock” is of the large number of majors. There are so many options, yet, there are little amount of job openings after graduation. Switching add to the price of college as well. The price adds the dropout rate of college students. He considers this as a source of depression in many students as well as part of the added financial issues.
He gives two examples of students, Lisa and Dan, who are in shock by all the stress that comes with college. One has to deal with the major switching issue, as well as, working nights and weekends just to keep. He is depressed and now has migraine issues. Dan thinks he may need a counselors help. Lisa, the other student, is “miserable”. She is maintain TWO part-time jobs. Kellmayer goes on about how she is suffering from sleeping and eating disorders.
In the end Kellmayer tells us there is no miracle for this shock but the colleges are making great strides towards helping out the students with this issue. Counseling is services are given to everyone to help out with the big decisions. This helps in a MAJOR way with the choosing of MAJORS. He then shares that the experience is one we do not face alone, and we are not unique in this specific area because many are going through it as well.
Kellmayer, John. 1989