After the processes of integration, collaboration and orientation, a challenging question permeates: So what now? After the processes of integration, collaboration and orientation, a challenging question permeates: So what now? Teachers' critical role in bringing life to the reform was highlighted as the program rolled out. Its curriculum Teachers' critical role in bringing life to the reform was highlighted as the program rolled out. Its curriculum demands to teach beyond academics, to collaborate for strength, and to research for developments. Targeting the demands to teach beyond academics, to collaborate for strength, and to research for developments. Targeting the basic education's goal for a holistic development of learners, teachers of the 21st century are greatly challenged basic education's goal for a holistic development of learners, teachers of the 21st century are greatly challenged to be innovative, creative and resourceful in order to enrich the curriculum. Viewed from a video clip presentation, to be innovative, creative and resourceful in order to enrich the curriculum. Viewed from a video clip presentation, the Department of Education Secretary admitted, "The program is not perfect in itself. More needs have to be the Department of Education Secretary admitted, "The program is not perfect in itself. More needs have to be worked on and more challenges needed to be resolved. " worked on and more challenges needed to be resolved. "
Furthermore, a session in the orientation facilitated by the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Regional Furthermore, a session in the orientation facilitated by the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Regional Director of DepEd emphasized the program's ultimate goal of equipping learners to be communicatively Director of DepEd emphasized the program's ultimate goal of equipping learners to be communicatively competent both in oral and written. The success boils down to the 5C's in the life of a teacher, namely: competent both in oral and written. The success boils down to the 5C's in the life of a teacher, namely: commitment, competence, creativity, compassion and character. Likewise, independent learning and cooperative commitment, competence, creativity, compassion and character. Likewise, independent learning and cooperative learning have been displayed as the major changes in the curriculum. The challenges imply giving more than learning have been displayed as the major changes in the curriculum. The challenges imply giving more than content, that is, learners must be properly motivated before presenting subject matter. Thus, teacher's proper content, that is, learners must be properly motivated before presenting subject matter. Thus, teacher's proper approach geared towards a spiral progression has to be strengthened to sustain the goal. approach geared towards a spiral progression has to be strengthened to sustain the goal.
Scheduled trainings have been conducted. Concerned institutions have been solicited. In the series of lecture-Scheduled trainings have been conducted. Concerned institutions have been solicited. In the series of lecture-workshops, so much has been said. Several directions have been clarified. Relevant issues have been addressed. workshops, so much has been said. Several directions have been clarified. Relevant issues have been addressed. Potential threats have been anticipated. Legitimate concerns have been revealed. Fellow educators, "life-givers" Potential threats have been anticipated. Legitimate concerns have been revealed. Fellow educators, "life-givers" of this educational reform, our positions signify a gift to share and a mission to spare. The challenge defines of this educational reform, our positions signify a gift to share and a mission to spare. The challenge defines teaching as more than a job to do for survival. The profession calls for nobility searching far beyond our own teaching as more than a job to do for survival. The profession calls for nobility searching far beyond our own desires. desires.
Pressures may weigh us down. Troubles can break us inside. Roads may seem rough to travel by. With a right Pressures may weigh us down. Troubles can break us inside. Roads may seem rough to travel by. With a right perspective, treasures after terrible times can be discovered according to the measures of our heart's faith in perspective, treasures after terrible times can be discovered according to the measures of our heart's faith in action. With a heart committed, a life devoted and a dream God-guided, K + 12 can bring a difference. Outcomes action. With a heart committed, a life devoted and a dream God-guided, K + 12 can bring a difference. Outcomes may be imperfect yet, however, good intentions will certainly lead to a brighter direction. may be imperfect yet, however, good intentions will certainly lead to a brighter direction. (Maritess Marquez)
With all the emphasis placed on education in our society it is remarkable to realize that there has never been an actual technology of study or a technology of education. That sounds very far-fetched but it is true. There was a school technology, but it didn’t have too much to do with education. It consisted of the technology of how you go to school, how you get taught and how you get examined, but there was no actual technology of education or study. Lacking such a technology, people find it difficult to achieve their goals. Knowing how to study is vitally important to anyone.
The first little gate that has to be opened to embark upon study is the willingness to know. If that gate remains closed, then one is liable to get into such things as a total memorized, word-for-word system of education, which will not result in the gain of any knowledge. Such a system only produces graduates who can possibly parrot back facts, but without any real understanding or ability to do anything with what they have been taught.
For what purpose, then, does one study? Until you clarify that, you cannot make an intelligent activity of it.
Some students study for the examination. The student is thinking to himself, “How will I repeat this back when I am asked a certain question?” or “How will I pass the examination?” That is complete folly, but unfortunately is what many students have done in a university.
Take the man who has been building houses for a long time, who one day gets an assistant who has just been trained in the university to build houses. He goes mad! The academically trained man has been studying it for years, yet knows nothing about it. And the practical man doesn’t know why this is.
The reason why is that the man who just went through the university studied all of his materials so that he could be examined on them; he didn’t study them to build houses. The man who has been out there on a practical line is not necessarily superior in the long run, but he certainly is able to get houses built, because all of his study is on the basis of “How do I apply this to house building?” Every time he picks up an ad or literature or anything else, he is asking the question throughout the entirety of his reading, “How can I apply this to what I’m doing?”
That is the basic and important difference between practical study and academic study.
This is why some people fail in practice after they graduate.
Instead of looking at data and thinking, “Is this going to be on the exam?” one would do much better to ask oneself, “How can I apply this material?” or “How can I really use this?”
By doing this a person will get much more out of what he studies and will be able to put what he studies to actual use.
The Student Who Knows All About It
On the subject of learning itself, the first datum to learn and the primary obstacle to overcome is: You cannot study a subject if you think you know all about it to begin with.
A student who thinks he knows all there is to know about a subject will not be able to learn anything in it.
A person might already be familiar with a subject from previous experience and, having had success in that field, now has the idea that he knows all about it. If such a person then took a course in that subject, he would be studying through a screen of “I know all about this.”
With that obstacle in the way, one can become completely bogged down in his studies and not make forward progress.
This is true for a student of any subject.
If one can decide that he does not already know everything about a subject and can say to himself, “Here is something to study, let’s study it,” he can overcome this obstacle and be able to learn.
This is a very, very important datum for any student. If he understands this and applies it, the gateway to knowledge is wide op