Chapter 4
Government by the People 2011 ed.
Magleby, et al. 1. Define the terms political culture and social capital. [See the definition of social capital in the side bar in addition to what is said in body of the text.] Pg. 106
Political Culture: The widely shared beliefs, values, and norms about how citizens relate to government and to one another.
Social Capital: Democratic and civil habits of discussion, compromise, and respect for differences, which grow out of participation in voluntary organizations.
2. Much of our political culture can be summed up in what is called classical liberalism which rebelled against the older politics described in the second to last paragraph on page 106. Describe the elements of classical liberalism. Pg. 106
Before the American and French revolutions of the late eighteenth century, discussions about individual liberty, freedom, equality, private property, limited government, and popular consent were rare. Europe had been dominated by aristocrats, had experienced centuries of political inequality, and had been ruled by governments that often exercised power arbitrarily. Political philosophers rebelled against these traditions and proclaimed the principles of classical liberation.
3. Describe briefly the elements of our political culture. What is meant by the democratic consensus, rule of law, and nationalism? Pg. 107- 110
Liberty, Equality, Individualism, Respect for the Common Person, Democratic Consensus, Justice and the Rule of Law, Patriotism, Optimism, and Idealism.
Democratic Consensus: Widespread agreement on fundamental principles of democratic governance and the values that undergird them.
Rule of law: 1. Generality: Laws that should be stated generally and not single out any group or individual. 2. Prospectively: Laws should apply to the present and the future, not punish something someone did in the past. 3. Publicity: Laws cannot be kept secret and then enforced. 4. Authority: