What is the Jewish claim to the land?
Ancient Hebrews 3,000 years ago. Forced out by different invaders, lastly the Romans. A tiny Jewish community continued to live there, having never left.
What is the Palestinian claim?
Also descended from Abraham. Lived along the coast – the Philistines. The land had been populated by Arabs since at least the 7th century. When the Arab conquerors arrived, there were Christians and a smaller number of Jews living in the area. Many of the Christians had been descendants of the original Jews who become followers of Jesus. Following the Islamic conquest, many of the Christians and Jews became Muslims, meaning that many of the current Palestinians have been on the land for thousands of years as well.
How does religion complicate the issue?
All three religions claim the land.
Who was Theodore Herzl and what role did he play in the creation of the State of Israel?
He wrote a book called the Jewish State that led to creation of the World Zionist Organization. He did not specify where the Jewish State should be.
What is Zionism and what were its goals?
Movement, which began in the late 19th century, to create a Jewish state in Palestine.
What was the World Zionist Organization?
Goal: Zionism seeks to establish a home for the Jewish people in Palestine, secured under public law
What were pogroms and what is anti-Semitism?
Anti-semitism is hatred towards Jews. Pogroms (organized killings of Jews) in Europe and rising anti-Semitism led to the writing of the book called The Jewish State.
What role did they play in the creation of the state of Israel?
The pogroms made it obvious that the Jews needed a safe haven.
What were the Balfour Declaration and the Arab-British Correspondence and how did they cause conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs in Palestine?
The British came to two seemingly contradictory understandings with the Palestinian Arabs and the Jews of Palestine in search of support during WWI. The Arab-British Correspondence occurred during the Arab Revolt in WWI, leading to communications between British and Arab leaders causing Palestinian Arabs to believe that Britain would help in creating an independent state for them in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration was interpreted by the Jews of Palestine as the British supporting the creation of a Jewish state. However, it only stated a “home for the Jews.”
What was the British Mandate and how did Jewish immigration from Europe into Palestine lead to further conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs?
The League of Nations gave British control of Arab territories that were previously part of the Ottoman Empire after its fall after WWI. The British were supposed to prepare the areas for independence, but instead they exploited them for resources. Palestinian Arabs said it was an excuse to get the Jews a country in Palestine. Jews immigrated from Europe to Palestine, hoping a new Jewish country would be created. The Palestinians rebelled because they saw the Jewish immigrants as a threat the the creation of their own state. In reaction, Britain eventually put an end to immigration of Jews for a time.
What role did the Holocaust play in the creation of the state of Israel?
The killing of 6 million Jews in Europe pushed the issue for a Jewish state in Palestine and led to the European powers to be sympathetic to the cause. The Arabs were mad that they didn’t have anything to do with the Holocaust but were being made to face the consequences for it.
2) Creation of the State of Israel
Why did the British turn the problem of Palestine over to the new United Nations?
There were violent attacks from both sides upon each other. Militant Jewish organizations planted bombs in British installations, including one in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem that killed 91 people, to try to force the British out. In fact, the British, exhausted after W.W. II, did want out.
What did the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan call for and why was it rejected by the Palestinians?
The U.N. Partition plan was a plan that divided Palestine among the Jews and Arabs. The plan was not contiguous, it tried to clump populations together. The Palestinians rejected it because 55% of the land was given to only 30% of the population.
What were the results of the 1948 war and why do Israelis call it the War of Independence and Palestinians call it Al Nakba (The Disaster)?
As a result of the war, Israel doubled its territory and now controlled 77% of the land from the Mandate of Palestine. Jordan controlled the West Bank (make sure there is an understanding of this geographic term) and Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip. Israelis were celebrating, while the Palestinians called “The Disaster” because their dream of having a state is crushed, and it starts the refugee problem. Still refugees today.
What type of government and society were set up in the new state of Israel?
A democratic republic with an elected legislature called the Knesset. There is a ceremonial President but the head of state is the Prime Minister. A Western, modern society with an economy based heavily on high technology. Agriculture also an important part of the economy and immigration of Jews from around the world encouraged (Law of Return). Israeli society: 45% Sephardic 35% Ashkenzi 20% Palestinian Arab
Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion (1948-53; 1955-63)
Prime Minister Golda Meir (1969-1974)
3) Nasser, Pan-Arabism and its effect on the Middle East and the World
Who was Gamal Abdel Nasser and what was he trying to accomplish for Egypt?
He overthrew King Farouk in a coup in 1952. There was anger over the failure to defeat Israel in the 1948 war and the continued British presence in Egypt. Wanted Pan-Arabism.
What was he trying to accomplish for the Arab world?
Make them stronger, reunited.
What was Pan-Arabism and why ultimately was it unsuccessful?
A secular movement with the idea was that if all Arabs united, they would be stronger. A form of nationalism but was focused on uniting people from more than one country (will be rivalry: Syria opts out, feeling treated as a junior member and countries did not want to give up their national interests). Failure of this movement let to Islamic Fundamentalist Movements.
What was the Suez Canal Crisis?
The fight between British, France and Israel vs. Egypt for control of the Suez Canal.
How was Nasser’s construction of the Aswan High Dam involved in this?
The United States and Britain had promised to give aid to Egypt in the construction of the Aswan High Dam in the Nile. This aid was retracted however, and in retaliation Nasser nationalized the canal. He intended to use the funds raised from the operation of the canal to pay for the Dam.
How was the crisis eventually resolved?
U.S. and U.S.S.R. apply pressure for a withdrawal, U.N. forces put in place in the Sinai, Egypt has control of the canal, emerging as a winner of the crisis.
4) Arab-Israeli Wars
What territorial changes occurred as a result of the Six-Day War in 1967?
Israel got the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip, Sinai and Golan Heights.
What does U.N. Resolution 242 call for?
“Land for Peace” Israel gives up conquered land in exchange for recognition from Arab States (fails).
What are settlements and why are they considered to be an impediment to peace?
Jewish/Israeli settlements in the West Band are a problem because they are preventing the creation of a Palestinian State in the West Bank. According to International Law, these settlements are illegal since an occupying force is not allowed to change land under occupation.
How is the refugee problem also an impediment to peace?
The refugees want to go to back to Israel but Israel doesn’t want that because they wouldn’t be a Jewish state, the refugees have no home.
Who was Yasser Arafat and what was the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)?
Arafat was the chairman of the PLO. The PLO was a terrorist organization who wanted liberation for Palestine.
What was the declared aim of the PLO?
To deliberate Palestine by force.
How would the average Palestinian view the PLO?
As a freedom organization.
How about the average Israeli?
As a terrorist group.
What were the results of the 1973 Yom Kippur War?
Israel was unprepared and Arab nations were winning but in the end Israel won. Sadat realized Egypt could never beat Israel so he made peace with Israel.
How did the Arab countries of OPEC try to use their economic power during that conflict?
Staged oil embargo on countries supporting Israel. Price of gas skyrockets in west.
5) Attempts at Arab-Israeli Peace
Who were Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin?
Sadat was the President of Egypt and Begin was the Prime Minister of Israel.
What were the Camp David Accords?
Agreement between Israel and Egypt.
What were the territorial results of the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt?
Israel gave the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt and Egypt recognizes Israel. (Land for Peace).
Why were the accords so significant?
First peace agreement between Israel and an Arab State. Land for Peace cam into effect.
What was the reaction of most of the Arab world towards Sadat’s gesture for peace?
They were upset, Arab countries became weaker when Egypt went off on its own.
What was the First Intifada and why did the response by Israel lead to greater sympathy for the Palestinian cause in the world and pressure for peace talks?
First Palestinian Uprising, Led by PLO in Lebanon. Palestinians were being occupied for 15 years. Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces (1,000+).
What is Hamas?
Hamas is a Religious, Islamic Fundamentalist Group. Known as a terrorist group. Against the secular Fatah political movement founded by Arafat (Palestinian).
What were the Declaration of Principles, known as the Oslo Accords?
Bush produced good with Arab countries, letting him set up meeting with Palestinians and Arabs. Gradual Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza strip and West Bank. Palestinians get limited self rule (autonomy). Eventual Statehood (didn’t solve refugees, borders, and division of Jerusalem). Oslo Accords breaks down after Israeli leader is killed, and the new leader opposes Oslo Accords. Palestinians increase terrorism and suicide bombings.
Who was Yitzhak Rabin and what were the similar circumstances surrounding his assassination and that of Sadat?
Yitzhak Rabin was Israel's Prime Minister whom was assassinated. Both him and Egyptian President Sadat were killed in a pursuit of peace. Both were killed by disappointed people of their own country.
Who is Ariel Sharon and how did he react to the outbreak of the Second Intifada?
Sharon was the Prime Minister of Israel in 2001. In reaction, he becomes Prime Minister.
What reason do the Israelis give for building their “security fence” which Palestinians call an “Apartheid Wall”?
Built a barrier around west bank to protect them. (keep out terrorists) Israel POV The wall is keeping the Palestinians from over having a state and is closing them off to their territory. Palestinian POV
Important – Remember how we studied this topic: looking at how each side views the same historical events very differently.