CORP3501 Strategic Management
Module Team
Module Team
Welcome to the Strategic Management module!
The intention of this module guide is to provide you with the detailed plan of the syllabus of this module, the schedule of works to be undertaken and support tools available to enable you to work to the best of your abilities and fulfill your potential on this module.
You will be expected to work independently and also with your colleagues, undertaking a range of activities that will develop and test your understanding of strategic concepts. In order to do well, it will be necessary to manage your time effectively and work efficiently. Whilst the individual case study assignment is not due for submission until January, the brief is contained within this module guide and early preparation; collecting, reading and compiling materials will provide you with the best possible start.
Try not to lean too heavily upon search engines such as Google and Yahoo!, nor websites such as Wikipedia for your materials. Whilst the internet can seemingly provide a ‘treasure trove’ of resources, all that glistens is not necessarily gold! Instead, focus initially upon the library website which will furnish you with a multitude of electronic resources (some of the key ones are described within this guide) that will help to ensure that you have the best possible materials from which to formulate your own works.
Always remember to make your lecturer aware if there are problems, after all, we’re also here to help and not just mark your achievements!
I hope you will find this a stimulating, challenging and most importantly, a rewarding module to study.
Have fun, work hard & good luck to you!
Introduction. II Module aims and objectives. IV Module learning outcomes IV Module delivery V Lectures V Case-based Lecture/Seminar V Student support: surgeries and online support V Learning and