Effective Study Habits Worksheet
Review Phoenix Career Plan results of Career Plan Building Activity: Work Culture Preference, respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each:
Describe your ideal study environment. * My ideal study environment is sitting at my desk in the corner so I can not be distracted by the t.v. * because if I sit in front of the t.v. I have a tendancy of getting distracted. I sometimes listen to music to * help block out the t.v. when others are watching it I still feel tempted. I like it to usually be quite so I * can concentrate on my work. * * * *
List some of the distractions that might hinder your study progress or your performance in an online classroom. * Some distractions I have is the t.v. and having kids. The t.v. is usually on when I am working because I have others in my family that are watching it while I work on school. If it sounds interesting or a show I like to watch I get easily distracted. My kids usually always want something because they are to young to get most things themselves and they like to play in the living and it is always tempting to stop with my homework to play with them. * * * * *
What actions can you take to manage and eliminate distractions? * One action I can take to manage and eliminate the t.v. is to put in my headphones or go into a different room so I can concentrate on just homework. One action I can take to eliminate the distraction from the kids is do it at nap time or when they go to bed or are in school. My daughter usaually goes all day except for Wednesdays and my son only goes two half days so I could do it in the morning. I usually have them play in their room sometimes when I’m working and tell them I have to do some homework and they usually listen to me which helps a lot. * * * * * *
How will you