Scott specifically touches on seven ways in which a person engages in everyday life in a small and local way; emotions can be viewed as a relationship between self and society, Scott makes a correlation between home and familiarity or a place to derive comfort and privacy, time is a rhythmic and cyclic repetition of experiences, eating a ritualised and rule-governed social practice, health issues which delve into social processes and stigmatization, shopping is seen as vacuous and trivial with sexist overtones and leisure in its most simplistic form is escapism from the everyday (Scott, 2009). In comparison Moran supports this view with his work on "quotidian spaces" and break 's everyday life down slightly differently into categories of; work spaces, living spaces, getting around and societal spaces and the fourth category is essentially permutation 's of the other three (Moran, 2008). Bennett adds an extra dimension to this concept when he throws awkwardness and an almost social rule set into the mix of the everyday, I see this as supportive of Scott 's position, as it is a more in-depth use of her categories of emotions, or how a person co-exists with other people and society at large (Bennett, 1994)
The assertion is that everyday life, as defined by
Bibliography: 1. Scott, Susie (2009) Making Sense of Everyday Life, pp. 1-2. 2. Moran, Joe (2009) 'Introduction: The Infra-Ordinary ' in Queuing for Beginners: The Story of Daily Life from Breakfast to Bedtime, London: Profile Boobs, pp. 1-8. 3. Jacobsen, Michael Hviid (2009) 'The Everyday: An Introduction to an Introduction ' in Michael Hviid Jacobsen (ed.) Encountering the Everyday: An Introduction to Sociologies of the Unnoticed, London: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 1-25 4. Bennett, Alan (1994) 'Cold Sweat ' Writing Home, London: Faber and Faber, pp. 302-312.