Madina Zhunussova
Academic Reading and Writing Course EWR 1211
Aisham Seitova
27 September 2013
I. Introduction.
Thesis statement: Although majority of students prefer to study abroad because of better education, there is some disadvantages for going abroad.
II. Body.
A. First, students who go abroad tend to get better life experience.
1. Many new international classmates
2. Visit some unique places
3. Be more self-confident and independent
B. Second, students who study abroad get better knowledge degree.
1. High quality knowledge
2. Become the real professionals
C. However, study abroad can cause some problems for students and their countries.
1. Live standards are expensive
2. Live alone without close relatives
3. Different mentality of students
4. Induce a “Brain drain”
III. Conclusion
To draw the conclusion, although education in international universities is measured as the most effective and beneficial for students, this does not mean that study at homeland is bad for peoples’ future life. For some students getting knowledge in home country is more suitable and convenient. They should stay at local universities in order to develop education and working skills of their own countries.
“East or West, the home is best” says Russian proverb. Nowadays, in the twenty first century, all people, exactly students are arguing where to go in order to have a better education. It’s an essential question to the countries’ governments, because rank of education directly influences the rank of development of the society. Some specialist doubt about efficiency and necessity of studying abroad, whilst others deny it and try to convince the advantages of education at home country. Although majority of students prefer to study abroad because of better education, there is some disadvantages for going abroad. One argument in support of studying abroad is that
Bibliography: Brewer, H. (n.d.). Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad. Retrieved September 27,2013 from Christofi, V. and Thompson, C.L. (2007). You Cannot Go Home Again: A Phenomenological Investigation of Returning to the Sojourn Country After Studying Abroad. Journal of Counseling & Development, 53-63. Retrieved September 27, 2013 from Dwyer, M.M. and Peters, C.K. (n.d.). The Benefits of Study Abroad. New Study Confirms Significant Gains. Retrieved September 27, 2013 from Komentar, T.S. (2012). The Advantages and Disadvantages to Studying Abroad. Retrieved September 27, 2013 from Oosterbeek, H.and Webbink, D. (2009). Does Studying Abroad Induce a Brain Drain? The London School of Economics and Political Science, 348-366. Retrieved September 27, 2013 from Teichler, U. and Steube, W. (1991). The Logics of Study Abroad Programmes and Their Impacts. Higher Education, Vol.21, No.3, Higher Education and the Flow of Foreign Students, 326-349. Retrieved September 27, 2013 from