responsibility. I look forward to day of protest carrying my sign, "look forward to a day without immigrants." President Trump unlike politicians has the moral fortitude to fulfill his promise of jobs for Americans. And with high technology the future robotic replace humans in making cars, and preparing food. The automation astounding has no alternative to streamline and thin the pack. Supervisor Solis confused pertaining to her role to serve the law regardless of her personal opinion and fail to observe the whole and emotionally submit in part.
responsibility. I look forward to day of protest carrying my sign, "look forward to a day without immigrants." President Trump unlike politicians has the moral fortitude to fulfill his promise of jobs for Americans. And with high technology the future robotic replace humans in making cars, and preparing food. The automation astounding has no alternative to streamline and thin the pack. Supervisor Solis confused pertaining to her role to serve the law regardless of her personal opinion and fail to observe the whole and emotionally submit in part.