The assessment process is to be used as another tool to get more information about the substance use. In the assessment process it also identifies what kind of abusers they rank. Not all abusers are alike and not all assessments fit all. A counselor that screens their clients gets a better overview of their client’s needs. According to Addiction screening in psychotherapy “Administering an addiction screening tool at the start of treatment is an important first step in improving identification of addictive disorders. Screening, by itself, has been shown to decrease the behavior.” As a result of identifying substance by screening will help with the treatment and bring better outcomes.
The consideration for choosing an appropriate screening and assessment tool depends on the facility that the counselor works at and it also depends on the substance use.
According to the Concepts of Chemical Dependency" Assessment need to be sensitive to the cultural beliefs of the client, and be aware that different cultural groups might have different beliefs about substance use than the dominant culture." (pg.410). Therefore, the counselor will consider what screening and assessment tool to use while working with a substance user. According to Concepts of Chemical Dependency “self-report instruments offer the advantages of being inexpensive, and they may be less threatening to the client than face to face interviews because clients might experience feeling of shame, distrust, hopeless and discomfort during the face to face interview.” (pg.404). If a counselor feels that the client will feel more comfortable doing a self-report and will be honest then the counselor should provide their client with a self-report. According to International association of addition “Each behavioral/process addiction has its' own screening and assessment measures, which are at different stages…” For that reason, the counselor will determine what appropriate assessment the client will
Screening and assessment techniques for substance related disorder differs from those for other addictive behaviors by a screening process where the counselor interviews the client. According to Concepts of Chemical Dependency “Clinical interview must be long enough to allow for the assessor to build a complete overview of the client’s substance user pattern.” (pg.403). Counselor that interview and provide a paper and pencil assessment to a client will help identify if the individual has problems with a substance disorder or addictive behaviors. There are also verbal screening aids that help the counselor assess for substance related and addictive behaviors. Tools for verbal screening aids are TWEAK and CAGE this are assessment for addictive behaviors that help determine if the client differs from substance related or addictive behaviors. Another technique that can be used for substance related disorder to differ from addictive behaviors is by having an AUDIT and have the client re-take the assessment six months later. The counselor will then compare the results with the first time of screening and assessment.