The Activity theory theorizes that when individuals engage and interact with their environment are all things that elderly individuals can be positive to their life and can be a positive sense of self, i.e. retiring may not be so harmful if the person actively maintains other roles, such as familial roles, recreational roles, and volunteer & community roles. They believe individuals should be encouraged to remain active & develop own-age friends.…
The two theories of ageing that I am going to discuss are the disengagement and the activity theory. The activity theory is the idea that older people benefit from being as active as possible, by taking part in social events or employments. It also states that older adults seem healthier and happier. Individuals…
The average life expectancy has increased over the last century; the average life expectancy for women is 80 years while men are expected to live to about 75 years old. The population of older adults over the age of 65 years is expected to increase from 35 million in 2000 to 70 million by the year 2030. Aging is a slow decline in the ability of an organism to resist stress, damage, and disease. As the human body ages there are physical and biological changes that occur as well. The lifestyles that we chose to live have a large impact positively and negatively in the way we age. Every aspect of the body changes, from the skeletal system to the muscular to the cardiopulmonary system, even down the integumentary system.…
During the ageing process, the elderly may take different approaches to aging and may apply to different theories of aging such as disengagement theory and the activity theory. All elderly individuals will deal with aging in different ways. They may wish to stay active or they may wish to disengage themselves due to depression or they may be unable to deal with the processes of becoming older.…
[11] Butler, R. (1974). Successful aging and the role of life review. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 22, 529-535.…
Five strategies for age-proofing include: challenging one’s mind, staying active, eating wisely, maintaining a healthy weight, and not smoking. In attempts of avoiding Alzheimer’s and dementia one who continues to remain mentally active through puzzles, learning a language, or writing can lessen their risk and protect themselves against mental aging factors. The negatives of not maintaining mental active consist of losing sense of situations, and forgetfulness due to not challenging one’s brain. While staying physically active can keep one’s physical well-being intact as exercise can strengthen one’s body through aerobic and intensive exercise and this helps people avoid loss of functionality with aging, then the decision to eat healthy provides…
Researchers have examined individuals who age better than others to determine what differences might account for their "success" and some variables at play include a moderately high physical and social activity level, including keeping active with hobbies, social events, and regular exercise.…
Many people in our society view older adults as senile and weak. Some even treat them like children, and insist on making decisions for them as if their decision making abilities are totally lost. We tend to put a “caution” label on our elderly. In reality, senility only affects five percent of the population. According to Aesoph, some age related declines in mental functioning can be either prevented or reversed. Something as simple as taking multi-vitamins could possibly prevent symptoms of senility.…
Remaining active into older adulthood has been shown to increase quality of life by preventing or reducing the risks of diseases that seem to be inevitable with age. People aged 65 and over are more likely to die from heart diseases, cancers, lower respiratory diseases, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s,…
“Within the context of this theory, activity can be viewed broadly as physical or intellectual. Therefore, even with illness or advancing age, the older person can remain “active” and achieve a sense of life satification”()…
Older adults often work with their spouses who need to be cared for due to long term illnesses up until their death, as well as grandchildren and foster children. Many older people take care of their grandchildren because their own children have to go to work or because they have been granted custody due to abuse or incarceration of their children. Many older people who have been given the responsibility of raising another child so late in their life are faced with additional health issues, psychological stress, and social isolation. It is often very stressful for someone who is older to have to be a caregiver because they are already dealing with other stresses of old age such as losing their spouses, not having a lot of energy, and worrying about their own health.…
Often times, I have realized that senior citizens are described in terms of their pathology, such as being a social problem or requiring adjustments. Despite this common place perception, and the fact that the population of senior citizens is on the increase I have noted substantial efforts in evaluation the inherent potential of older adults. The idea of active aging is increasingly being discussed and…
Human bodies are technically set up for failure. Aging comes naturally. Aging is experienced by most humanity in their lifetime. Everyone ages at their own time and rate but not everyone has same experience. In my paper one will be informed that aging is a major risk factor. Aging often results in changes and lower functioning in the brain, higher rates of diseases, and decrease mobility.…
Two major theories explain the psychosocial aspects of aging in older adults. Disengagement theory views aging as a process of mutual withdrawal in which older adults voluntarily slow down by retiring, as expected by society. Proponents of disengagement theory hold that mutual social withdrawal benefits both individuals and society. Activity theory, on the other hand, sees a positive correlation between keeping active and aging well. Proponents of activity theory hold that mutual social withdrawal runs counter to traditional American ideals of activity, energy, and industry. To date, research has not shown either of…
What if there was a cure for aging? Never get old and living for a long period of time ? What if there was a medical technique for you to inject your self with to as another 50 or so years . Only way to die would be by a disease , accident or by your own choice. You get a chance to see how much things change over time . An unlimited time to earn as much money as you want . Even to get a great education! You could be 25 when you get the " never aging " shot and stay 25 while you go to college , study to be someone big like a judge. That sounds great doesn't ?…