The variable will be the different sucker rod couplings. The independent variable will be the ToughMet 3 TS 95 Alloy Engineered Sucker Rod Coupling. The dependent variable will be the increases production and longer life cycles till workovers become necessary. The traditional sucker rod couplings data will be a base line for the experiment. A batch of traditional sucker rod couplings will be run with the ToughMet 3 TS 95 Alloy …show more content…
Engineered Sucker Rod Couplings. All other variables will be controlled by using the same components and locations in the Bakken Formation. For example all oil wells will be drilled by the same drilling company with the same crew and same equipment (pumping units, stuffing boxes, tubing heads, casings, oil strings, traveling valves, barrels, plungers, sucker rod strings, production tubings) on similar or the same pads drilled through the same geological formations to the same depths and intervals.
These experiments will have to be performed on up to 30 oil wells over many months with the same controls.
To demonstrate real statistical significance to quantity the legitimacy of the experiment. If our experiment is executed repetitively and the results are within a thin margin, then the results will be considered to be scientifically significant. As soon as the experiment is designed we will begin tracking the information that is gathered through the production data, and maintenance logs.
Conclusions will be drawn from the results of all the experiments and visually graphed, for easy comprehension and reference. Graphing experimental data is a good way for visual comparison of results from multiple experiments. The independent variable from each experiment will be plotted on the x-axis and the dependent variable is plotted on the y-axis. All errors will be reported, such as outliers. Then the base line data will be graphed versus the dependent and independent data to see what differences there
The level of accuracy in this experiment will be determined by comparing how our experimental values relate to the other values claimed by Materion, Hess and of base line wells. Those base line wells will have the same parameters and the same equipment (pumping units, stuffing boxes, tubing heads, casings, oil strings, traveling valves, barrels, plungers, sucker rod strings, production tubings) on similar or the same pads drilled through the same geological formations to the same depths and intervals.