Sugar Accumulation in Grape Berries
Cloning of Two Putative Vacuolar lnvertase cDNAs and Their Expression in
Grapevine Tissues
Christopher Davies* and Simon
P. Robinson
Cooperative Research Centre for Viticulture, P.O. Box 145, Glen Osmond, South Australia, Australia, and
Commonwealth Scientific and industrial Research Organization, Division of Horticulture, G.P.O. Box 350,
Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia
The growth pattern of developing grape berries (Vifis vinifera L.) can be described as a double sigmoidal curve with an initial rapid increase in size followed by a lag period during which berry volume does not increase. The lag period is followed by a second phase of growth during which ripening occurs, and viticulturists use the French word véraison to describe the inception of berry ripening.
During ripening, the increase in volume is accompanied by an increase in berry softness, accumulation of hexoses in the berries, and a decrease in the leve1 of malic and tartaric acids, and in red grape varieties the skin becomes colored due to the accumulation of anthocyanins (Coombe, 1992).
The accumulation of sugar in the form of Glc and Fru within the vacuole is one of the main features of the ripening process in grape berries and is a major commercial consideration for the grape grower, winemaker, and dried fruit producer. Sugar accumulation in climacteric fruit has received considerable attention, but little is known about
this process in nonclimacteric fruit such as grapes. In grapevines, SUCproduced as a result of photosynthesis in the leaf is transported via the phloem to the berry (Swanson and Elshishiny, 1958), where it is cleaved to Glc and
Fru, which accumulate in roughly equal amounts (Kliewer,
1965).The accumulation of Fru and Glc commences only at véraison and continues throughout ripening.
Invertase (P-fructosidase; EC catalyzes the conversion of Suc to its
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