Roy Marvitz
Course: BSC-1010
Gary Brannan
Date: April 03, 2013
Sugar Addiction and Its Effects on the Human Body
Research done recently has shed light on the issue of sugar addiction and its effects on the health of human beings. The qualities in sugar that make it addictive have been confirmed by scientists. A study by Colantuoni, Carlo, Pedro, Rada, McCarthy, Patten, Nicole, Chadeayne, and Hoebel in 2002 sought to establish whether withdrawal from sugar use could lead to opioid dependence. The study found out that rats which had been fed with excessive sugar, developed opioid dependence when the sugar was withdrawn. This study concluded that the withdrawal that was evidenced …show more content…
from the excessive use of sugar and the withdrawal from the use of nicotine and morphine were similar.
Another study by Werdell (2009), found that there are some foods which are capable of releasing a chemical messenger in a person’s brain that is vital in playing a major role in addiction. He found out that the foods may contain dopamine that is released to play a role in addiction. The study found out that when some foods are eaten, they have the capability to produce a sensation that may shift from time to time. These shifts are associated with the depression and unhappiness that is related to addiction which cause the body to develop a craving for the foods that restore the shifts in moods. This study also found out how sugar rich foods that have dopamine effects are similar to the effects found in alcohol and cigarettes.
The conclusion of the study showed that sugar rich foods are tempting to people who binge on them, resulting in eating disorders. Werdell found out that sugar intake leads to addiction. This finding is significant on the studies that seek to establish the harmful effects of sugar on the human body. The damage that sugar causes to the human body is slow and insidious. This means that sugar takes many years to ruin someone’s health. Research on the side effects of sugar reveals a number of harms that result from the excessive use of sugar.
Being Overweight and Obesity
According to the World Health Organization, soft drinks are the leading cause of obesity in people. Furthermore, obesity was found to correlate with excess amounts of sugar that is found in sugar-rich foods. The billions of dollars that governments are spending on health care have no significant effect on the number of people that are growing fatter and fatter. Studies have established that more than half the population of Americans is obese or overweight (Null, 2003). The complication that arises out of this unfortunate statistic is that more and more people including children are susceptible to diseases like Gall bladder disease, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and other lethal ailments. It is estimated that 1200 people are dying every day from illnesses related to obesity (Null, 2003). This is a crisis that has reached alarming levels.
A study by Colantuoni et al, found out that the consumption of one soda per day increases the risk of developing obesity by 60%. This study found out that 65% of girls consumed a soda every day and 74% of adolescent boys consumed a soda a day. The intake of sugar leads to addiction that has consequences associated with being overweight. The grave risks to people’s health that obesity poses should be universally acknowledged and tackled by controlling the levels of sugar in the foods that are produced for consumption. To combat obesity, it is imperative for the relationship between obesity and sugar intake to be appreciated since it is a health issue that negatively impacts someone’s nutrition.
The other danger of sugar to a human being’s nutrition is the fact that it contributes to the development of diabetes. Studies have found out that an increase in diabetic incidences occur once there is an introduction of sugar into society. A comparison between primitive society’s diets and the diets that are eaten in present times correlates with lower cases of diabetes in primitive societies, and high cases of diabetes in modern societies (Mullan, 2008). This is because most of the primitive societies ate food that had very low levels of sugars compared to the food that is eaten today. Primitive societies were found to live on complex carbohydrates such as tubers and grains.
Modern societies are known to rely heavily on refined carbohydrates which lead to excessive sugars in the body. This is the proof as to how the excessive consumption of sugar leads to diabetes. The high incidences of diabetes in society are due to the love affair of the present generation, with sugar. Between the years 1990 and 1998, the number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes increased by 33 percent (Mullan, 2008). This means that a total of 2.6% of Americans were diabetic. This has serious implications since it means that with the availability of so many types of foods containing a lot of sugar in them, the number of Americans that will be diagnosed with diabetes will increase to 29 million by the year 2050 (Mullan, 2008). The excessive consumption of sugar that leads to addiction is evidence of the high prevalence of type-2 diabetes. This is the type of diabetes that results from impaired glucose tolerance.
Studies by life extension experts have found a correlation between the high intake of sugar and the acceleration of aging in human beings. This is because sugar that is ingested in the body is bound by collagen leading to a procedure that is referred to as glycation. This process leads to thickened arteries, stiff joints, painful incidences, and feeble joints. Furthermore, the process leads to failing organs which is a characteristic of getting old. Years of high intake of sugar makes the human tissues become yellow with deposits of glycation pigments. The antidote for aging which results from glycation, a product of the combination of sugar and collagen, is to eat less sugar.
Otto Warburg, an eminent person in medicine, found out that the acceleration of cancerous cells is sugar. In his experiments Warburg found out that the growth of cancer cells is different from the growth of healthy cells since cancer cells have a different energy metabolism than normal healthy cells. The production of cancer cells was found to increase with an increased intake of sugar. This is because glucose is closely associated with the buildup of lactic acid and a pH which is acidic. Consequently, this creates an environment in the human body in which cancer cells thrive. The metabolism of glucose in the stomach is a factor that leads to pancreatic cancer in women who have a high resistance to insulin.
Cardiovascular Disease
Being overweight in human beings has been studied by scholars and was established to be a leading factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. Obesity is an unhealthy condition that develops when the ingestion of food leads to excessive levels of sugar in the body. This will eventually lead to cardiovascular disease and ultimately death. The contribution of sugar itself to the development of cardiovascular disease is documented (Marie & Sara, 2008). These two people discovered that the increased intake of sugar can lead to the promotion of enzymes which cause free radical generation. This generation of enzymes will lead to lower levels of the protective vitamin E which is significant in the prevention of hardened arteries. This situation leads to the accumulation of plaque that makes hardened arteries and the eventual occurrence of cardiovascular disease. It is a known fact that a high level of glucose is a precursor for this disease. Furthermore, blood sugar that is above 125mg/dl leads to a diagnosis of diabetes. In addition, a lower level that lies between 100 and 125mg/dl is found to greatly increase the risk of heart disease (Marie & Sara 2008). A high glucose level associated with diabetes is also found to lead to heart attacks, since most people who are treated for heart attacks generally have undiagnosed diabetes. It is vital for human beings to keep their sugar consumption low so that they can reduce the risk of developing a cardiovascular disease.
Hyperactivity and the Development of Learning Disorders in Children
Recent studies have established that a link exists between the high intake of sugar and the development of learning disorders in children. The intake of sugar was found to reduce the attentiveness of children in the classroom (Null, 2003). This is because sugar triggers nervous and systemic symptoms that may make children inattentive in class. There is an increasing number of children who are addicted to foods that have high levels of sugar.
The human body is at risk due to the amount of sugar that people ingest in their bodies.
Evidence has shown sugar to be addictive to individuals and such an addiction brings about cravings that are similar to the cravings experienced by people who are addicted to morphine and nicotine. Sugar addiction is the leading cause of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, cancer, and the acceleration of the aging process in human beings (Null, 2003). Moreover, sugar also leads to the inattentiveness in school children. It is therefore imperative for people to reduce their intake of sugar and substitute it with eating vegetables, fiber rich grains, and drinking pure water.
Works Cited
• Null, G. Sugar, Sweet Suicide. Health Reference Center Academic. Vol 4.5 (2003): 56-103.
• Carlo C, Rada P, McCarthy J, Patten C, Nicole M, Chadeayne A, and Hoebel, G., B.
Evidence That Intermittent, Excessive Sugar Intake Causes Endogenous Opioid Dependence. Obesity Research Vol. 10.6 (2002): 1-10.
• Werdell P. Physical Craving and Food Addiction. American Psychiatric Association. Vol. 78.90 (2009): 5-42.
• Marie A., B, Sara, L. (2008). Personal Nutrition. London Cengage Learning
• Mullan, Y., M. (2008). Effect of Sugar and Fat on Glycemic Response in Type 1 Diabetes. Toronto: University of Toronto.
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