New Product: Sugar-free chocolates
Barbier Hugo Bitterol Julien Dupont Guillaume SaukkoSinni
The Company
S Date of creation: 1986 S President: Philippe Jambon S Producer and seller of chocolate S French company S Number of shops: 284 shops in France and 34 abroad S Franchisee business
Macroenvironmentalanalysis and Market analysis
S Macro environmental analysis
S The economical and social parts are significant in this
business environment. The more people have money to spend, the more they can spend for expensive brands. Consumers are ready to spend on quality for its image and the value it gives
S Market analysis
S Bargaining power of customers: Customers are really
important to develop our market and they have a big power of bargaining because of the number of competitors in our market.
Competitors and Positionning
S Competitors
S Indirect: French chocolatiers and companies that target the upper
class and people who want to buy chocolate for Christmas, Easter....
35 and 45 euros per kilo.
S Direct: Belgian chocolatiers and chainsthatsellchocolatebetween S Future: Small producer who can develop and gro. S Positioning (Attachements)
Marketing Offer ( Product)
S The product: Chocolates
S Brand: Jeff De Bruges S Quality of service: Very good quality.
S Physical characteristics: The chocolates can have different form.
S Pricing
S Rebate: For faithful consumers S Method of payment: cash, credit card and cheque. S Price of the product: Basic and Better product.
Marketing Promotion / Service marketing elements/ Swotanalysis
S Marketing Promotion S Choice of the distribution channel: Direct channels
S Marketing communication: Large campaign
S Service marketing elements
S People: No service after sale.
S Location and accessibility: Stores and the headquarters
S Swot analysis S Jeff de Bruge is a company which has a very good image and