15th December, 2012
Tracing the history of mankind reveals fascinating behavioral patterns of our ancestors that have been adopted by generations for generations. Most of these behavioral patterns were aimed at protecting oneself and survival. However, certain mutations, as you may call them, have led to people choosing to end their own lives at will and in some cases, ending it along with several others’. These people are called suicide bombers. By definition, suicide bombers are terrorists who attach explosives to themselves and, consequently die along with other victims in the bombing attack. Because they are present among the victims they are trying to kill, the chances of an effective bombing attack …show more content…
The issue of terrorist suicide attacks has always been a nuisance. Particularly in the present times, the problem has magnified because of their increased frequency. Innocent people who are not part of war are killed because of these attacks and the chaos is exaggerated by the media which only aids the purpose of the terrorists and bolsters these attacks even more. It is imperative that we understand that although nurture makes up for the lager contribution in this particular case, the nature aspect should not be ignored. By holding nature the sole determinant, we would be concluding that an individual has no free-will and therefore anyone can be crafted into a suicide bomber if given the particular environment. But instances show that some people chose to surrender instead of detonating themselves and others run away from the terrorist training camps. There is a significant contribution of these individual factors in determining whether a person will undergo the transition. Although there is little that can be done to deal with the nature aspects to solve this problem, analyzing and mending the nurture contributors can make a large difference because nature alone cannot drive you to those extremes either. Hence, it can be rightly said that right amount of contribution from nature and nurture create the killing machine that is more commonly known as a suicide