What we can do to fix it and the toll on the Military
For years our country has been going through life dealing with issues and problems. Some things just disappeared and no longer were issues, others had to be dealt with, and some are still a problem. War is one thing for centuries we have had to deal with and resolve, many of us worry about the people in the military and how their lives are in jeopardy. We always think that getting shot or blown-up is the worse way to die and basically the only way to die. We lack the knowledge and realization that many in the military suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD). This has cost many soldiers there life during active duty and even long after the war. Our military has been denying and is un-willing to look at the fact that suicide in the military is sky rocketing, it is a climbing statistic. Why do they deny this? Is it because our government and military are worried that young recruits will refuse to join due to the training they receive will never prepare them for what they see in war? There could be many reasons, but it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the rate of suicide just keeps getting higher and higher in the military. The average civilian suicide rate compared to the average military suicide rate isn’t even close anymore and will …show more content…
No one can argue the fact that we have many young soldiers who may have thought the military was the way to go in regards to their future, and then after all they see come home mentally messed up at the age of 21. I keep repeating myself, but the military and government need to fix this soon before it gets out of control to the point our entire military falls apart. There eventually will also be less people enlisting because of the realization of the mental instability they are left with after they come home with no