The final formula was actually created by the British Hans Thatcher Clarke, that worked with the Germans, as he modified the original one adding different chemicals. It was supposed to work as a poison, but one day when one of his test tubes broke and caused him 3rd degree burns all along his right arm.
The gas causes severe irritation that produces the blisters in the skin that sometimes bled
The soldiers that inhaled it got blistered lungs that made them to choke on their own blood
Gas masks weren't useful as they didn’t prevent the gas to be absorbed through the skin
Can kill mass groups of soldiers or rend them useless
It wounds more soldiers than it kills and so others had to attend to the wounded and therefore were distracted, and became easy targets
It shows no mercy and could affect your own soldiers
No effective method to deploy : Gas pellets could just be carried in small amounts If they threw gas bombs or used pipes the direction of the wind could take it back to themselves
Basic timeline
First used in WWI
Allies could not perfect the gas and actually use it until 1917
From 1943-1944 experiments were performed on Australian volunteers
In 1993 an American shipment of ammunition that also had several mustard gas pellets, was attacked,causing the pellets to go off, hozpitalizing 628 men and killing just three.
The chemical weapon convention of 1993 prohibited its use, manufacture or