A. Taylor
Psych 610
October 28, 2013
Dr. Harbin
The phrase “exposure to domestic abuse” covers a wide range of perception. In 2002, it was estimated that there approximately 3.2 million, documented cases of children witnessing domestic violence in America (Stiles, 2002). The different types of domestic violence children are exposed to may range from verbal, emotional to physical. The scope of exposure includes more than just seeing the abuse. Family violence has an extensive history; the concept that it transcends through generations has and remains a widely received and constant topic in the family violence literature …show more content…
In researching the different definitions in this proposal the term domestic violence will be used in the following way, violence among intimate partners, includes controlling through intimidation, verbal, sexual, and physical abuse. Violence could also include financial abuse and any other type of control. Any type of assault or that an adult uses against another adult involved in intimate relationship (Missouri Coalition Against Domestic Violence {MCADV}, 2000, 2009). Although violence usually refers to violence between partners, the phrase family violence is used to refer to abuse between other family members, for example elder abuse and child abuse by parents (Salcido, Weithorn, & Behrman, 1999).
The American Psychological Association Task Force on Violence and the
Family in 1996 defined domestic violence as “A pattern of abusive behaviors including a wide range of physical, sexual, and psychological maltreatment used by one person in an intimate relationship against another to gain power unfairly or maintain that person’s misuse of power, control, and authority” (Walker, 1999, p.23).
Exposure to domestic …show more content…
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Missouri Coalition Against Domestic Violence (MCADV). (2000). A framework for understanding the nature and dynamics of domestic violence. Jefferson City, MO: Author. Missouri Coalition Against Domestic Violence (MCADV). (2009). Missouri domestic violence facts. Retrieved 10/27/13 from http:// www.mocadv.org
Salcido, L. C., Weithorn, L. A., & Behrman, R. E. (1999). Domestic violence and children: Analysis and recommendations. The Future of Children, 9(3),