Clash of Cultures
Complete the grid by describing the characteristics of three groups of peoples: Native Americans, colonists, and West Africans.
| |Native Americans |Northern Colonists |Mid-Atlantic Colonists |Southern Colonists |West Africans |
|Political Structure|The Native Americans worked |Beginning to the late 17th century|William Penn was their leader |The King gave the eight Lord |The political structure was a |
| |together with many different |the administration of all British |despite the unpopularity of the |proprietors land because of their |complex political system and | …show more content…
| |tribes to form an agreeable |colonies were overseen by a Board |religion.
He was into. He was |loyalty |method for administration. The |
| |solution to their problems. There |of Trade. |accepted into the Kings court | |powerful ones usually gained |
| |were serious consequences such as | |because he was trusted by the Duke| |wealth at first by monopolizing |
| |scalping if any rules were broken.| |of York. | |trade routes passing through the |
| | | | | |territory. |
|Social System |Best relationship with other |1st in decades to get along with |Best relationship with their |Most conflict with Native |Back then the social system for
| |tribes and neighbors. |the Native Americans. They lived |neighbors. Their life expectancy |Americans. They have the lowest |African Americans were considered |
| | |the longest, thru their 70’s and |was in their 60’s. |life expectancy, in their 50’s. |indigenous and traditional. |
| | |80’s. | | | |
|Cultural Values |The Native Americans were very |Their culture believed in burning |They don’t believe in the death |Dominant, many were brought to |Africans and Virginia born |
| |particular about their hair. They |their witches. Little to no |penalty unless for murder. They |Georgia who had been in jail that |decendents would be treated as |
| |had many different designs with |slavery, they felt slaves were not|were egalitarian, they don’t |could not pay their debts. |property and denied freedom. |
| |their long beautiful hair. Their |needed. |believe in slaves or war. | | |
| |style for their hair and blankets | | | | |
| |and especially their clay pots | | | | |
| |were very crafty. | | | | |
|Religion |The Native Americans were mainly |The Angelican church and the |Quakers-no Minister, anyone can |Catholics were not even permitted |Most West Africans were Isliam, |
| |Catholics, and they always had a |Puritans were starting to lose |speak. Quakers were the dominant |to be legally married by a |the other were followers of |
| |clergyman with them. |power in New England, there were |religion in Penn. |Catholic Priest. They were founded|complex animinstic beliefs |
| | |many different religion mixing | |by English Catholics were still a |collectively ref. to as African |
| | |together in the colonies. | |persecuted minority in the 17th |traditional religion. |
| | | | |century. | |