Course Summary
Chapter 1: Launching your study
What is a theory? What distinguishes a good theory from a bad theory?
A theory is a set of systematic informed hunches about the way things work. A good theory goes beyond accepted wisdom and offers explanations and speculations about phenomena. Additionally, a good theory consists of a system of concepts which means that the theorist were able to make connections among his ideas. A theory tends to shape our perception of reality and behaviour and guides us through unknown areas.
Images of theory: 1.) Theories as nets: Theories try to explain phenomena. 2.) Theories as lenses: our perception is shaped by the way we want to see things. Thus, we pay special attention to certain aspects of communication, while disregarding others. 3.) Theories as maps: Theories act like guides through unknown areas.
What is communication?
Communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas between at least two or more people.
Communication consists of five elements: 1) Communication involves ‘messages’ in any medium such as talking, writing, listening and reading. A text (synonym for message) is a record of messages that can be analysed by others, e.g. books, films, recordings of a speech and so on. 2) When creating a message, the communicator makes a conscious choice how he sends his message, e.g. by meeting, phoning etc. 3) Since words offer various interpretations, meaning is not entirely encoded by words. The meaning arises out of the context and depends on the attitudes people have towards other people or things. 4) Communication is a relational process because it influences the relationship between the communicators. 5) A message in a successful communication stimulates the hearer(s) who receive it to create a response.
What is a communication theory?
A communication theory explains how the exchange of messages works and