Before the United States was a country two main towns, St. Augustine and Philadelphia, would help shape how towns would be formed in the new nation. The town of St. Augustine was created shaped by Spanish laws known as the “Laws of …show more content…
Near Chicago, the City of Pullman was created for the factory workers of George Pullman. He believed that by creating a town with many public amenities like parks that the worker will be less likely to go on strike. The houses also represented that status of the worker, the closer to the railroad the more important the person (Andries 2016). Unfortunately, the resident of Pullman would accuse him of being a lord since he controlled everything and in 1894 a strike broke down causing the “bloodiest Strike” in US history since US troops were send to end it (Andries 2016). In the end it was decided that Pullman could not owed the town and in the same time the city of Pullman ended the idea of Factory towns in America. Unlike the other towns in the list, the town of Greenbelt was made with consideration of automobiles based on Ebenezer Howard manifesto. Additionally, the US government enlisted Clarence Stein to plan Greenbelt in order to provide the perfect suburb. Houses would no longer face the street but a “pedestrian’s Paradise”, where stores and entertainment were located (Andries 2016). The influence of Greenbelt is now seen all over the country in the