The essay starts off telling us about how Allie's depression did not have a "ligament" reason for being depressed witch was obviously not a good enough reason for her. And including 3 different drawings of a lost looking version of herself. She continues with different drawings of her trying to tell her self not to be sad any more and narrated with her telling the audience that this was not effective at all. This all made her even more sad and the drawings show a sad smaller crouched version of her self in a corner or laying on the couch with a frustrated version of herself yelling and telling her how worthless she was, and oppressing her self with hatred. She explains how this just made her more sad, and not being even able to go …show more content…
More than often she repeats the pictures to show emphasis on how little of progress she is making with her self destruction. The bully version of Allie fallows her around with a scowl, angry, or frustrated face seeming to be screaming and yelling at what ever sad Allie is doing. She is having a mental conflict with her self, but she is loosing both battles. The faces sad Allie makes in the beginning are somber and some times crying when she is yelling at her self. This is a more logical response when you start to hate your self but as the story nears the end her expressions lesson and start to be more of a straight