The biggest recurring theme of this novel is the lost generation. Almost all of the soldiers went to fight at a young age and would have the memory of war for the rest of their lives. Paul brings this up in the first half of the book. “It is the common fate of our generation.” These men never had the chance to start an actual life after school because they were persuaded by their teacher Kantorek to join the war. Had they been older they would have the chance at establishing a career, social status, and eventually a family. However, all they knew was school and battle. Remarque describe this generation as “men who, even though they may have escaped shells, were destroyed by war.” War is an experience that no …show more content…
The preface states that this novel is meant to inform readers about the men in World War I. Getting into the head of a soldier is an easy and effective way of doing so. Paul’s story tells of both the physical and mental hardships of the trenches. He was absolutely wrecked by the war and in the end he even described himself as “so alone, and so without hope”. The way this novel is written has mainly emotional appeal and makes the reader feel like they are in Paul’s