The play revolves around two friends, a beautiful catalog model, Carla, and a hard-working accountant, Bethany. Bethany encounters a genie who grants her three wishes. Her last wish leads to a discussion with Carla about wanting good looks. Carla tries to convince Bethany that she is pretty with her brains and success in her career, whereas the only thing Carla has is the physical beauty. But, Bethany wants more than to just be pretty, she wants to be beautiful. In the end we see both of the friends want what the other has, and they explore the frustrations of beauty and success in life (Martin 1035-1039). These are just a couple examples of how people get caught up in how society defines beauty and how they try to match it. But, people should not evaluate their self-worth based on society’s expectations of
The play revolves around two friends, a beautiful catalog model, Carla, and a hard-working accountant, Bethany. Bethany encounters a genie who grants her three wishes. Her last wish leads to a discussion with Carla about wanting good looks. Carla tries to convince Bethany that she is pretty with her brains and success in her career, whereas the only thing Carla has is the physical beauty. But, Bethany wants more than to just be pretty, she wants to be beautiful. In the end we see both of the friends want what the other has, and they explore the frustrations of beauty and success in life (Martin 1035-1039). These are just a couple examples of how people get caught up in how society defines beauty and how they try to match it. But, people should not evaluate their self-worth based on society’s expectations of