
Summary Of Christopher Columbus

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Summary Of Christopher Columbus
In the Journal of Christopher Columbus (1492), the author Columbus explicitly wrote a message to inform the Europeans that the Native Americans are people who are willing to corporate with the European economy. However, it seems that the people are eager to corporate because they have a custom of sharing their goods with others and strangers. Therefore, Columbus mentions that the indigenous are intelligent and worth of good servants. Overall, the message that Columbus was trying to get across was that the native would do whatever the Europeans orders and tells them what to do. Columbus even makes it clear that the missionaries have a high chance to talk with the indigenous and convert them to Christianity. Since it appears to Columbus that they have “no religion,” it is a possible chance that they will pick up the religion to Christianity. …show more content…
As from lecture, Columbus was known to be the first European to sail to the Americas (without knowing that he arrived in the Americas). As part of his voyage, Columbus was sent out from the King of Spain to find a new short route to India. Columbus knew that the Earth is round, but did not realize that there would a massive land between Asia and Europe. Since he was Catholic, Columbus mentions that more people are easily taught and can convert to Christianity. As part of his beliefs, he died believing that he had found a shortcut to India. Moreover, knowing the expectations and intention of Columbus are essential to understanding because it shows us how and where the Europeans stood within this period of discovering that there are more people in a different mass of

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