
Summary Of College Pressure By William Zinsser

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Summary Of College Pressure By William Zinsser
In Article (College Pressure) 1978, William Zinsser, an American writer, editor, literary critic, and teacher, claims that there are four main college pressures that college students faced in the late 1970s, which included economic, parental, peer, and self- induced pressures. Zinsser develops this claim by first saying that we live in a brutal economy. In 1970s a 4 year institution private college tuition was $1,561. He says that students never get ahead, because after they graduate, they were working to pay off loans. Then, Zinsser discusses parental pressures by saying that the parents are pushing their children to go on to high paying professions, and then he goes into peer pressure saying "Students think that every student is working harder

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