In high school, students are given material and are not forced to pay out of pocket for educational material. I was taken by surprise when entering college on how expensive school materials were.In high school teachers in the beginning of school passed out a textbook to every student and was expected to return the textbook at the end of the year. For my fall semester at Old Dominion University, I purchased my textbooks at the University bookstore. …show more content…
To my surprise, I was not prepared for the cost of a few of my Books. My human biology class required us to purchase both a class textbook and a textbook for my lab that was attached. The biology textbook alone cost three hundred dollars. Thankfully for myself my parents covered the expenses for my textbooks.After attending my classes for awhile, I was informed that students had to purchase scantrons for an exam.This information was not discussed with me before entering my fall semester. I was also not prepared for the cost of living for the basic necessities used daily.
After spending hundreds of dollars at the university bookstore, I had thought that all the extra expenses were taken care of but I was wrong.
Being only eighteen years of age I had never needed to spend money on food and household items before. Because I live on campus I am required to have a meal plan. A meal plan can have many options to purchase between meal swipes and flex points. However, eating at Cafe 1201 multiple times a week can become unappealing. The cost of food is a lot higher than I expected and was unprepared.Throughout the semester, my roommates and I set up shifts of who purchases what each week.Every time our room begins to become low in paper towels, toilet paper, or printer paper the next person is required to purchase that item next time the go to the store. But after entering college and becoming involved in campus activities other expenses …show more content…
After purchasing food and household items, extra expenses emerge every month.
It is good to become involved on campus in the beginning of the semester that will continue along a student's college career. From the beginning of the semester, I am an active participant in greek life at Old Dominion University. However, I was unprepared for the extra financial obligations that were included each month. Every month active members are required to pay our dues of forty-six dollars. On occasions, extra expenses including apparel are added into our month
In conclusion, I was no properly prepared for the financial obligations that college entitled. The cost of educational material, living expenses, and other activities came to a surprise when entering for my fall semester.