The first unalienable right which is defined in The Declaration of Independence is “Life” and when nations leave God out of the equation, life is not protected. This results in dictators (e.g., Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Lenin, Kim ll Jong, Pol Pot) who unleash totalitarianism (e.g., genocide, mass murder, confiscation of property and human rights). Fidel Castro died today and it is interesting that many leaders, including our POTUS, is paying homage to a totalitarian dictator who murdered over 400,000 people (McEwen, 2011). Atheists, champagne socialists, and misguided millennials want to severe America’s relationship with God. The choice that many God-fearing Americans made in our recent election demonstrates that a moral majority still exists; ergo, God heard their prayers and
The first unalienable right which is defined in The Declaration of Independence is “Life” and when nations leave God out of the equation, life is not protected. This results in dictators (e.g., Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Lenin, Kim ll Jong, Pol Pot) who unleash totalitarianism (e.g., genocide, mass murder, confiscation of property and human rights). Fidel Castro died today and it is interesting that many leaders, including our POTUS, is paying homage to a totalitarian dictator who murdered over 400,000 people (McEwen, 2011). Atheists, champagne socialists, and misguided millennials want to severe America’s relationship with God. The choice that many God-fearing Americans made in our recent election demonstrates that a moral majority still exists; ergo, God heard their prayers and