Judges take gifts, money, and bribes to make sure certain people will not have a fair trial. Christians are the easiest targets for this to happen to. With everything that has happened with the gay rights movement, Christians have been attacked because of their beliefs. This movement was passed into law illegally, as each state can make their own laws on this subject. The Supreme Court has forced each state to adopt this law and has forced Christians to make a choice. That choice is either you marry, bake, sign marriage licenses, and support them, or face the …show more content…
In the 1980s and 1990s, political scientists and journalists have reported an increased political activity on the part of religious Americans. The period has seen the rise of the Moral Majority, the creation of the Christian Coalition, and the presidential campaigns of the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Pat Robertson.” (Religion and Politics). Jesse Jackson and Pat Robertson are very influential men who have fought for religious freedom and moral values in this country for years. Some others, who have been influential Christians, are Gary Wilkerson, Franklin Graham and Billy Graham. These men need to be thanked and applauded because they took a stand against a tyrant called the Federal