losing their job, and that is not right. The Constitution, which is to give citizens their rights, is being ignored completely and what is being done to counter this. Thomas Jefferson, Noah Webster, James Madison, and George Washington are some of the men who founded this country. Over two hundred years ago, these men left the tyranny of Great Britain because of religious persecution. After they left Britain for America, these men gathered together and wrote the Declaration of Independence with truth, liberty and justice. Jefferson ended up calling the Bible a foundation for American liberty and justice. He put the Bible in the schools as a tool for the future generations to learn from. This country was founded on the Bible and teachings of God. There were fifty five men who formed the constitution and fifty two of them were regular attenders of the church. One was Noah Webster, who was the man that came up with and wrote the first dictionary. Noah knew the Bible so well due to years of reading and studying it. He could literally quote the Bible by chapter and by verse. The founding fathers have put the future of this country in the hands of the people. Also in their ability to follow the Ten Commandments with everything they have. These men believed no one would be able to call themselves an American if they pervert the words of God. During his farewell address George Washington stated, “This country cannot have a moral compass that is apart from any religious principles found in the Bible.” (Clark). That is why, right now, there are over three hundred thousand kids that can, will and are carrying guns into the schools they attend. During the nineteen forties, fifties, and sixties, the students only problems were chewing gum and talking. While during the nineties, rape and murder were the trend. The only way America can even survive this next decade will be putting God back in America.
Abraham Lincoln, during his life, was a very wise and brilliant man. The philosophy that will be taught in the classroom for one generation. Will end up being the philosophy of government in the next. So when God was taken out of classrooms and out of politics, then people eliminated the nation that the God protects. America is currently number one in teen pregnancy and violence toward each other. America is also number one in illiteracy, overdosing on both legal and illegal drugs, and divorce among its citizens. Every day in America, over five thousand so called “unborn children” are killed, and pornography is everywhere people look. America’s fallen, immoral, and dying hands are on the throat of the church. People are blind to the fact that the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah is currently present in America. This country has gotten to the point where people would rather come out of the closet than try to clean their own. When that happens, God will pour out His judgement out on America.
America’s political and legal systems are corrupt and beyond repair.
Judges take gifts, money, and bribes to make sure certain people will not have a fair trial. Christians are the easiest targets for this to happen to. With everything that has happened with the gay rights movement, Christians have been attacked because of their beliefs. This movement was passed into law illegally, as each state can make their own laws on this subject. The Supreme Court has forced each state to adopt this law and has forced Christians to make a choice. That choice is either you marry, bake, sign marriage licenses, and support them, or face the …show more content…
Christians are being punished for upholding their moral and religious beliefs. This is not right on so many levels, but apparently Christians need to tolerate the homosexual lifestyle. If Christians have to tolerate homosexual beliefs, then homosexuals should tolerate christian beliefs as well. There was a Christian baker who said he would not make a cake for a gay couple, and that business was shut down because of his religious beliefs. Another story was the county clerk who was put into jail for her beliefs because she would not sign marriage licenses to homosexual couples.
Christians have been working in the political scene for many years only to be disappointed by the decisions that were made. The Supreme Court is a hindrance for the rights and freedoms of Christians all over America. Most conservatives accuse judges more than the lawmakers, who are supposed to make the laws, responsible for the current way America is. The Supreme Court is trying to get away from moral and traditional values found in the Bible. In the nineteen sixties, the Supreme Court decided to take prayer out of the school systems. They decided to make abortion legal in the early nineteen seventies. Recently The Supreme Court has passed the Same-Sex Marriage law.
According to Religion and Politics, “Despite the judicial doctrine of separation of church and state, Americans have had a long tradition of combining politics and religion. Throughout American history, religious values, ideas, and advocates have had a role in the political development of the United States, including issues such as the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, civil rights, abortion rights, and gay marriage.” (Religion and Politics). A lot of the time, religious institutions are called upon in order to make moral and ethical decisions when it came to these decisions. The Supreme Court has decided not to ask religious institutions what they think on this issue, but instead used their power and authority to make same-sex marriage legal and anyone who opposes this ruling will be punished. President Obama was then handed the bill, in which he signed into law.
“In contemporary America, religion is almost always seen as something primarily political, but this is because politics has claimed increasingly more of the lives of Americans.
In the 1980s and 1990s, political scientists and journalists have reported an increased political activity on the part of religious Americans. The period has seen the rise of the Moral Majority, the creation of the Christian Coalition, and the presidential campaigns of the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Pat Robertson.” (Religion and Politics). Jesse Jackson and Pat Robertson are very influential men who have fought for religious freedom and moral values in this country for years. Some others, who have been influential Christians, are Gary Wilkerson, Franklin Graham and Billy Graham. These men need to be thanked and applauded because they took a stand against a tyrant called the Federal