
Summary Of Dr Sanjay Gupta

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Summary Of Dr Sanjay Gupta
The article “Dr. Sanjay Gupta: The Epidemic of Gun Violence is Treatable” is an opinion piece by Dr. Sanjay Gupta about how gun violence should be treated as an infectious disease. In the article, Dr. Sanjay discusses how gun violence acts like an infectious disease, in that it is predictable and spreads like a virus. He proposes that instead of looking at the symptoms of the gun violence disease, and trying to treat them, we should look at the primary causes and treat those instead. The way that he proposes to treat the primary causes of gun violence is to use medical professionals as 'interrupters' that go to the places and people that are at the center of the epidemic and treat them by trying to understand them instead of just judging them for how they feel. Dr. Sanjay goes on to explain that many of the shooters recent events have been “loners, full of emotional pain and who, at times, were blatantly antisocial.” …show more content…
Sanjay Gupta, has a very refreshing position on the gun violence issue. Unlike most people who voice their position on this issue, Dr. Gupta wants to treat the people, instead of calling for more gun control. The author choose to write this article, in the wake of the Umpqua Community College shooting, because he believes there is a different way to deal with the gun violence issue. The author was on the side of dealing with the people who are the origin of the problem rather than guns and violence that are the symptoms of the epidemic. The author provided no information on guns and gun control in America. The article was not neutral because it was an opinion piece. This is obvious because the article is written in first person viewpoint and because at the beginning of the article it says “The views expressed are his[Dr. Gupta]

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