Calafat, Amador, et al. "Weekend Nightlife Recreational Habits: Prominent Intrapersonal "Risk Factors" For Drug Use?" Substance Use & Misuse 42.9 (2007): 1443-1454. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. This article acknowledges patterns of the misuse of …show more content…
Vallersnes, Odd Martin, et al. "Psychosis Associated with Acute Recreational Drug Toxicity: A European Case Series." BMC Psychiatry 16. (2016): 1-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. This article explains how recreational drugs may lead to psychosis if the drugs are not used in adequate amounts. Psychosis is explained to be a mental condition in which a person’s thoughts become impaired, therefore a person loses the ability to accomplish everyday tasks. The drugs that are known to cause psychosis are amphetamine, methamphetamine, and cocaine. The authors state that the different kinds of recreational drugs have a different effect inducing Psychosis. The authors also include that there has been an increase of new substances being reported, therefore they believe addiction is growing because of the variety of new psychoactive