What I admired about this novel is how Jerry Jenkins includes large portions of Paul's writings into the narrative — mainly in the form of God's direct revelation to Paul in the wilderness. Throughout the apostle's letters, he furnishes numerous details about his strict adherence to the law (as a Pharisee), his conversion experience, and most importantly his devotion to the resurrected Christ. What he did not include were many details of the time period between his conversion and the beginning of his gospel ministry. Recreating those in-between years is what the author has undertaken with this book. …show more content…
Despite my continued affinity for biblical fiction, I've discovered that Jenkins' writing style does not appeal to my tastes. Absent from the story, for me, was a genuine heart connection with it's characters. Instead of being drawn into their experiences — joys and sorrows — I remained an observer. Furthermore, Paul's miraculous escape into the desert and the relationship that ignites between Paul and a widow were a little too far fetched for my