Erikson, stated that there are eight stages of life that we go through. The eights stages in order are infancy, early childhood, childhood (play age), childhood (school age), adolescents and young adulthood, adulthood, mature adulthood, and old age.
Write a 350- to 700-word paper that explains which of Erikson’s eight stages of life you believe you are currently in.
Explain why you think you are at that stage and describe that stage in your paper. What is the central question posed during that stage? How have you consciously or unconsciously sought to answer that question? Provide specific examples.
Choose someone you know who you think is at another stage in his or her life. …show more content…
Briefly describe that stage. What is a central question posed during that stage? How has this person consciously or unconsciously sought to answer that question? Provide specific examples.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
Erikson’s Stage of Life I’m Currently In:
Although Erikson’s stated that mature- adulthood is around ages 35 to 55 or 65, I believe that i’m a possible exception to those ages. I’m 33 years old and strongly feel psychologically I’m living the 7th stage of Erikson’s Timeline the adulthood portion of my life.
Description of Erikson’s Stage of Mature-Adulthood(Generativity vs. Stagnation):
Erikson observations and studies results that middle-age is when we tend our families occupying ourselves with creative and meaningful work. Middle adulthood is the stage when we expect to "be in charge," the role we've longer envied and strive even more for titles of authority in life.(Harder, 2012)In the case of myself being called ‘Dad’, is a heart warming and title of authority to me.
During this stage the significant task is perpetuating culture and transmitting values of culture through the family. Establishing, maintaining, and a stable environment is something crucial to those in this stage with children.
Strength in this stage may originate from perseverance, determination,and help from others. .Believing the individual is aiding in producing something that contributes to the betterment of society, which Erikson calls generativity,often fear of inactivity and meaninglessness enter the mind during these times.
Central Question Posed During Mature Adulthood Stage:
How can fashion a ‘gift’?
This central question brings up many thoughts, questions and ideas to me pertaining the subject of ‘gift’.
Questions that come to my mind are those such as::
What can I teach my kids meaningfully?
What will my legacy be?
When i’m gone, what will my children and family remember about me?
Which parts of myself, do I teach my children to prepare them for their own life?
I ask myself questions like that daily as conscious thoughts, and sometimes even worry I may not be able to fully answer them in this lifetime. In unconscious ways, I believe in how I play with them, time we spend together,even some of the manners and action I may portray in their presence will help to ensure I answer these questions before completion of this stage.
Stage of Erikson's Eight Stages Somebody Else I Know is Currently Living:
My younger brother Nicholas is 15 years old, my choice is to explain his current stage according to Erikson. In January Nicholas will be 16 and currently I see him living or falling in the Stage 5 which is Adolescence or Young Adulthood(Identity vs. Role confusion).
Description of Young Adulthood or Adolescence((Identity vs. Role …show more content…
Development during this stage mostly depends upon what is done to us. From this point forward, development depends primarily upon our own actions. During adolescence we aren’t children nor considered an adult. Life becomes more complex in attempts to find identity, struggle with social interactions, and grapple with moral issues.
The discovery of who we may be individually separates us from our family of origin and introduces us as members of a wider society.
For those around us unfortunately, some of us may fall into a period of withdrawing from responsibilities, which Erikson called a "moratorium." In the chance we are unsuccessful in navigating this stage, we will experience role confusion and upheaval.
Central Question Posed During Adolescence Stage: How do I fit into the world? Who am I?
How Nicholas has Consciously or Unconsciously Sought to Answer that Question: I am unable to read the mind of my younger brother so I'm not quite sure how unconsciously he may trued to answer this question. In my observation he has asked me questions about himself. Questions such as asking me if he’s cool, approval of his clothing, music, and hobbies. Nicholas participates in sports, boy scouts, and actively joins family conversations during holidays. I don't believe he has answered the questions posed during this stage yet I believe he is still attempting to figure them out.
McAdams, D. (2006). The person: A new introduction to personality psychology. (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Harder, A. F. (2012). The developmental stages of erik erikson [Web log message]. Retrieved from