One of the most intriguing stories for me was about a second grader named Cornelius. Though intelligent, Cornelius has trouble in controlling his behavior, so he is placed in the special education class. Noted in the documentary, four million children are placed in the special education classes and three million are minority males. This is further emphasized by a study conducted by sociologist Johnathan Kozol. He found that in one school in New York City, black students are “disproportionately sorted in special education classes.” The statistics intrigued me in a sense that it numerically shows the achievement gap between races. Additionally, Cornelius’s mother is single mother of three children and works two jobs. His father, on the other hand, does not play a supportive role in Cornelius’s life after getting shot in the back and has become paralyzed from the waist down. Like Cornelius, many children from Stanton Elementary School come from poor family
One of the most intriguing stories for me was about a second grader named Cornelius. Though intelligent, Cornelius has trouble in controlling his behavior, so he is placed in the special education class. Noted in the documentary, four million children are placed in the special education classes and three million are minority males. This is further emphasized by a study conducted by sociologist Johnathan Kozol. He found that in one school in New York City, black students are “disproportionately sorted in special education classes.” The statistics intrigued me in a sense that it numerically shows the achievement gap between races. Additionally, Cornelius’s mother is single mother of three children and works two jobs. His father, on the other hand, does not play a supportive role in Cornelius’s life after getting shot in the back and has become paralyzed from the waist down. Like Cornelius, many children from Stanton Elementary School come from poor family