The edited volume Third Wave Agenda: Being Feminist, Doing Feminism aims to answer the question, “What is the third wave?” in order to establish a theoretical framework to define third wave feminism (13). The editors Leslie Heywood and Jennifer Drake collected works from writers, who work as cultural critics, activists, and teachers, that combine research and theories with life stories. Thus, these works set out to address the core of this new feminism: the focus on individual identities. The book is divided into four sections that address a variety of issues in a third wave feminism context.…
Great post, Clayton. The dichotomy of American eating habits is a very interesting example of conflicting social forces at work. Social forces, which are part of the PEST model that analyzes the influences that impact an industry, refer to trends, values, and traditions related to culture, religion, or society (Parnell, 2014, p. 53). On one hand, Americans from As Americans suffer the effects of decades of consuming fast and convenient products, there is a movement to educate people about the food decisions they make and the consequences of those choices. Michelle Obama’s initiative to fight childhood obesity, Let’s Move, is part of that movement. Let’s Move’s website (n.d.) declares that the rate of obesity in children has tripled in the last 30 years, which now states that one in three children are obese…
Alyssa Elver indulges a strong opinion on both the male and female gender as people and their ‘natural’ qualities in this piece of Satirical Monologue ‘Oh, Girls Are No Good At Genocide’. Voicing her message through a dictator admiring schoolgirl, a Caricature of sorts, Elver presents an interesting piece of satire; her characterisation enables our perspective for satire, and in her words she is able to mock the stereotypical bravado and bombast that is associated with the alpha male, whilst, making a point to the perceptions of women from both sexist men and society.…
“The Female of The Species,” a new book by novelist Mindy McGinnis (and an Ohio Humanities Speak Bureau presenter), was recently reviewed by the New York Times (NYT). The Sunday Review is one of the most influential and widely read book review publications in the industry. McGinnis’ novel illuminates what it is like for a woman to live in society that normalizes sexual violence. The book is crafted for the young adult reader, ages 14 and up. Follow this link to read the Nov. 11, 2016, NYT book review.…
The Uniqueness of Bad Feminist Roxane Gay states: “No matter what issues I have with feminism, I am a feminist. I cannot and will not deny the absolute importance and necessity of feminism.” Throughout her memoir, Roxane dives deep into many distinct subtopics of feminism and equality itself through an assortment of essays with wide-ranging examples to support her evolving, strong beliefs. Bad Feminist uses smaller details, such as the utilization of footnotes, and differentiates itself from a numerous amount of other non-fiction, specifically memoir-based, publications due to the usage of its choppy, essay structure. First, Gay constructed the book in a unique way, by using essays pieced together in an assorted arrangement, to display…
In order to properly view a story from a feminist perspective, it is important that the reader fully understands what the feminist perspective entails. “There are many feminist perspectives, and each perspective uses different approaches to analyze and interpret texts. One is that gender is “socially constructed” and another is that power is distributed unequally on the basis of sex, race, and ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, ability, sexuality, and economic class status” (South University Online, 2011, para. 1). The story “Girl” is an outline of the things young girls reaching adolescence must do in order to conform to society’s expectations in an era before feminist laws. “In this section, we examine some of the literary means used to depict the world of the child from the child’s point of view and the world of the adolescent — “the folly of youth,” as the cynical Ambrose Bierce would have it — from an adolescent point of view” (Pike & Acosta, 2011, p. 351). As the list of society’s standards in the story “Girl” can be related to an era in which a woman was defined as the caretaker so to say, these types of rules no longer pertain to the role of a woman in our modern day style of living in society today. “In American culture today, for instance, women have access to broader roles than those outlined by the narrator” (South University Online, 2011). Jamaica Kincaid (1978) published the story “Girl” as to show her knowledge of a feminist perspective when relating to a mother’s fear of breaking traditional gender roles, and the tension it may cause on the mother and daughter’s relationship.…
In many cultures, women are expected to be nurturers who care for their husbands and children. It is considered the role that most significantly defines women and the one, above all, that they should aspire to. Sandra Cisneros wants girls to know that they do not have to define themselves based on other’s definitions of them, because they have powerful voices by which to define themselves.…
Cameron appears to voice her opinion on society view through a eyes that have seen first-hand the sexual discrimination within our society. Cameron’s piece is written in a forward-moving timeline and seems to touch on all the most important parts of a daughters life. Cameron’s voice is calm and hopeful as she articulates her vision of what she wishes society to be in the future. Cameron’s approach to voice is very unique as she flows back and forth between what the parent is saying to the daughter and what the…
The Emergence of Femininity in "The One Girl at The Boys Party" by Sharon Olds.…
In the 1960s, when Oates wrote “Where Are You Going . . . ,” a social revolution was happening. American women were asserting their rights and independence from men, and they were claiming their sexuality in a way they had never done before. One frequently discussed topic was adolescence and the struggles and anxieties that many young girls endured as they lost their sexual innocence and became adult women. Feeling undervalued in their homes and relationships with men, women questioned their role in society and the role that sex and gender played in their lives. In “Where Are You Going . . . ,” Oates explores this social upheaval in miniature: Connie, one young woman out of a country of young women, must confront her own questions and anxieties as she transitions into adulthood. Her separation from her home and family is violent, and Arnold Friend is by no means a savior. But the sense of sweeping, dramatic change taking place in 1960s America is evident in this story, from the period details to Connie’s psychological terror at what lies ahead.…
Categorizing or erasing an individual’s identity in today’s society based off of gender, religion, race, as well as sexuality is a common occurrence. It is difficult to grasp the concept of a society that is completely devoid of robbing an individual’s humanity or even falling victim to the process of stereotyping. Although, change is a must, will people follow through to obliterate the everyday stereotypes or fall blind to the assumptions that lurk through our society? Woman everyday must leap through the rings of insularity that shape our society’s expectations of how a woman “should be.” Therefore, women all have multiple identities that are shaped through either systems of power or oppression…
Feminism: a topic of discussion in many homes and classrooms, which asserts the utmost attention amongst its listeners. A crazy ideal that believes women hold fundamental rights among men, and deserve the same treatment, the same opportunities. Feminism has grown since its conception in the early 20th century, and has catapulted upward in a grand and illustrious fashion, clinging to the souls of women who will no longer be oppressed by an abusive patriarchy. However, in this decade, feminism has become the topic of crude humor, has been made the punchline of jokes directed toward women. Feminism has become merely a way to generalize women as “crazy, hormonal monsters” who should never have a say in democracy because their “time of…
In Penelope Eckert and Sally McConnell-Ginet’s article entitled Learning to Be Gendered (2013), Bell Hooks’s article entitled Dig Deep: Beyond Lean In (2013), and Sheryl Sandberg’s article entitled Lean In: What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid? (2013), each author discusses how feminism and gender roles play a part in today's society. Eckert and McConnell-Ginet discuss linguistics and how language forms your gender from a young age, Sandberg encourages women to reach for more leadership roles in the workforce and to break traditional roles, and Hook criticizes Sandberg for presenting old ideas and not grasping what feminism has become. The purpose of each article is to show how language can affect our gender, and therefore our lives, as…
Stigma surrounding topics like these often handicap opportunities for discussion and education. Growth cannot be achieved by silence. In this reflection, I hope to shed light on an uncomfortable subject in order to bring upon a sense of awareness among myself and to the reader. My goal is to provide examples of modern day sexism and how problematic it can be.…
In contrast, the short story “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid suggests that women are sentenced to patriarchy as a result of socially constructed gender stereotypes. She criticizes the idealized patriarchal norms and pressures which overshadow the lives of women. Starting early on in their childhood, little girls are explicitly exposed to the pressures and expectations of how they should live. As a result of gender stereotypes, young girls are brainwashed to believe that their role as a woman is a domestic homemaker and that they should always be kempt and maintain a feminine outer appearance. Kincaid ultimately criticizes how women and girls are trapped under a system of patriarchy that can not be erased.…