idea of all myths having the same “elementary ideas”. In Jung’s theory these are called “archetypes”, which he says we all understand unconsciously. By this he suggests that all humans have innate in them a model to tell them what a “hero” or a “quest” is.
(Brennan 2001.) Campbell used the ideas of Jung’s theory of archetypes to find “the common underlying structure behind all religion and myth” (Brennan 2001). In the theory that he calls the “Hero’s Journey” or the “Monomyth”, he argues that all stories, or rather, all heroes, are fundamentally the same, hence the name of the book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, where he introduced the idea providing 28examples of myths from cultures all over the world and history (Campbell 1966). Joseph Campbell was writing after the Second World War. He admits the differences between hero myths and then stresses that his book nevertheless concentrates on the similarities in the hope of showing people that we are essentially the same. He wanted to improve “human mutual understanding” (Campbell 1966: viii) and he tries to do this by asking “Why is mythology everywhere the same, beneath its varieties of costume?” (Campbell 1966: 4). Segal (1987: 101) says that Campbell’s “answer is psychological: myths are the same because the mind, which creates them, is.” Essentially, what Campbell is trying to say, is that the myths and fairytales tell something of our subconscious. According to his theory (1966), the reason, why certain features in fairytales and myths are so common around the world, is that our minds are so alike to each other, even though we have such a multitude of different
3.1 Explaining the theory
The hero Campbell talks of can be either male or female, but Campbell uses the word ‘he’ in referring to the hero and I shall follow his lead on this. Campbell divides his theory into three sections or phases. The first major phase is Departure where the hero begins his journey from the “world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder” (Campbell 1966: 30). The following phase is Initiation in which the hero has to go through many trials in order to get what he has come to claim. The phase ends with the hero’s success.
The last phase is called Return and in this phase, the hero starts his journey home bringing with him whatever boon he has secured on his journey to bestow it “on his fellow man” (Campbell 1966: 30). Each phase is divided into several different stages and I shall discuss them next. 29
3.1.1 The phases of the Hero’s Journey: Departure, Initiation and Return The first phase, Departure, is divided into five different stages. The first stage is called ‘The Call to Adventure’. In this stage the hero receives his call to the adventure via a herald, who represents “the power of destiny” (Campbell 1966: 52). Answering the call often means going into a strange, even mystical or fairytale-like environment, but the hero can also refuse the call. In fact, ‘Refusal of the Call’ is the second stage, which not all heroes go through but even the ones that do, end up answering the call in the end. This is because after the call is given, everyday life does not taste what it used to. The third stage is called ‘Supernatural Aid’ in which the hero meets someone, who gives him magical items or advice to aid him through their journey. This helper can also act as a guide to the hero. In the fourth stage, called ‘Crossing the First Threshold’, the hero steps over into the unknown – something that normal people are “more than content” (Campbell 1966: 78), even proud to avoid doing - that is guarded by something that tries to stop the hero from entering. The fifth and last stage of the Departure is called ‘The Belly of the Whale’. In it the last stage has ended with the hero not conquering or conciliating the creatures in the threshold of the unknown and dying instead. This does not necessarily mean really dying: for this stage Campbell gives the Little Red Riding Hood being swallowed by the wolf as one famous example. However, it may also mean that the hero dies and is born again. Although it sounds like a Christian idea, it is actually a common motif around the world. The first phase ends with the hero emerging from “the belly of the whale”, which symbolises rebirth. (Campbell 1966.) The second phase is divided into six different stages the first one being ‘The Road of Trials’. The hero is faced with many ordeals through which he gets by using the magical items or advice given to him by the helper he met earlier. He may also meet agents of the helper, who aid him as well. His last ordeal is called the ‘supreme ordeal’ after which the hero receives his reward of sacred marriage, atonement with the father, apotheosis or the elixir (the boon). The hero may also receive all of these. The second stage is ‘The Meeting with the Goddess’ in which a “mystical marriage” takes place “after all the barriers and 30 ogres have been overcome” (Campbell 1966: 109). If the hero is a female, the male god “descends to her and conducts her to his bed – whether she will or no. And if she has shunned him, the scales fall from her eyes; if she has sought him, her desire finds its peace” (Campbell 1966: 119). The difference for different sexes here is that to the male hero the “mystical marriage” represents the hero’s total mastery of life while to the female hero it represents being mastered. The next stage is called ‘Woman as the Temptress’. In this stage, the hero is tempted to step away from his path, which would mean the abandonment of the quest. The fourth stage is called ‘Atonement with the Father’. Atonement means the “coming together of forces and events anticipated throughout the journey of the quest” (Petty 1979: 55). In this stage the hero either defeats his “father” (i.e. a father figure) and takes his position or in some way earns the trust of his father. The fifth stage is called ‘Apotheosis’, which means becoming divine. One part of this is connected to becoming androgynous; the male hero finds his female side or the female hero her masculine side and thus making the hero more than a man or a woman. Campbell gives the Creation of Man from the Bible as an example explaining that when God created man in his own image, he created man as male and female. Also, as Segal (1987: 5) explains, in this stage, the hero learns that he already is what he started to look for in the first place. This can sometimes be represented as something so concrete as the boy who goes to find a king, is revealed to be the king’s heir himself. The last stage in the second phase is called ‘The Ultimate Boon’, where the hero is either blessed by the gods or steals what he wants and therefore has to escape.
The third and last phase has six stages as well. In the first one, ‘Refusal of the Return’ the hero who has now received his boon, must return with it to bring it to his people, nation or world. However, many heroes may decline to accept their responsibility at first. The second stage, ‘The Magic Flight’, happens to the heroes that have stolen their boon and thus made the boon’s previous owners angry. The hero must escape to return back home. Naturally, a hero who has acquired what he has come for with the blessings of the gods has their good 31will all the way back home and thus does not go through this stage. The third stage in this phase is called ‘Rescue from Without’. Sometimes the hero may need outside help to return to his community to bring the boon. As one example of this Campbell mentions Little Red Riding Hood being rescued fromthe belly of the wolf by the hunter. The fourth stage is called ‘The Crossing of the Return Threshold’. The problem of the hero in this stage is how to tell the people in the real world the things the hero has learned in his travels. The hero’s problem is how to remain what he has become when everybody else are still the same. The title of the fifth stage, ‘Master of the Two Worlds’, means that the hero is able to freely cross the border between the two worlds: the “real” one and the mystical one. He belongs to them both. The Hero’s Journey ends in ‘Freedom to Live’, which signifies the peace and prosperity and salvation that the hero brings with him from his quest. It is the ‘happy ending’ of the story. (Campbell 1966.)
3.2 Applying Campbell's formula to LOTR
After explaining Campbell’s whole formula, I must warn that the Hero’s Journey is not as simple as it can be made to look by his categories and the order that he has placed them in. As Campbell himself notes: “many tales isolate and greatly enlarge upon one or two of the typical elements of the full cycle, others string a number of independent characters or episodes can become fused, or a single element can reduplicate itself and reappear under many changes” (1966: 246). Even though all the basic elements of the formula must occur in the story (they must be somehow implied) (Campbell 1966: 38), there are some stages that are alternative possibilities (like ‘Refusal of the Call’, ‘Refusal of Return’, or ‘Rescue from Without’) and hence they do not occur in every hero’s journey. The flexibility of the formula is the reason I have decided to change the order of some of the categories that the phases would not have to jump too much ahead and back again in the adventure. The order of the categories will be individually decided for each character and it will be based on the order of the events that take place in their adventure. Before moving on 32 to the analysis section of my thesis, it is important to discuss the definition of a ‘hero’ and give my reasons for choosing the characters I chose.
3.3 The definition of a ‘hero’ according to Campbell
Because Campbell’s theory is concerned with heroes, it is important to define what Campbell himself considers a hero. Segal (1987: 91, 25 and 4) states that according to Campbell’s criteria, heroes are those who “succeed where others would either fail or never try”, and another important feature in a hero is that they “serve their communities” as well as themselves. He also informs us that “Campbell interprets heroism symbolically” (1987: 97). By this Segal means that to a literal meaning for the action of a hero, there is always a symbolic one as well: If literally a hero discovers a strange external world, symbolically, or psychologically, he discovers a strange internal one. Literally, the hero discovers that there is more to the world than the physical world. Symbolically, he discovers that there is more to him than his consciousness. Literally, the hero discovers the ultimate nature of the world. Symbolically, he discovers his true identity. He discovers who he really is… Moreover, a hero is one who discovers the place he has always had…He discovers, not creates, a deeper side to his personality: his unconscious… If literally the “boon” he confers on them, can be anything, symbolically it is knowledge. (Segal 1987: 5) As the above-mentioned criteria do not include all those that others would define as heroes (for example those, who die heroically like Boromir, because according to Campbell they fail), I had to limit my selection of side characters to choose from for the analysis. In addition, I must mention again that the heroes Campbell has studied are all main characters of their stories. Just to make clear, by ‘main’ character I am here talking about the central figure of the story. The story centres on the actions of this character from first to last, just like the story in LOTR is begun by focusing on Frodo and it ends when Frodo 33 sails away to Valinor. The side characters slip into the story along the way and most of them also slip away before the end. Campbell also distinguishes between the fairy-tale hero and the universal hero. The fairy-tale heroes are the ones who operate on a smaller scale bringing change into their own communities and conquering their “personal oppressors” (Campbell 1966: 37-38). Universal heroes are the ones who bring a change into the entire world (ibid.). Segal (1987: 14) claimed that all of Campbell’s heroes are male and that Campbell was thus denying the existence of female heroes, but I disagree with him. True, Campbell does not give many examples of female heroes, but actually the very first example that he gives of a hero’s call to adventure and of the road of trials that the hero has to take, is of a woman: the princess who ends up getting her prince by kissing the frog and Psyche looking for her lost lover, Cupid. Campbell’s presumption of the hero most often being a man is, however, shown quite visibly in the titles of not one, but two of the stages of the Hero’s Journey called ‘The Woman as the Temptress’ and ‘The Meeting with the Goddess’. In addition to this, his presumption is also shown in his explanation of a diagram of the adventure of the hero (Campbell 1966: 246), where he talks, for example, about the “hero’s sexual union with the goddessmother of the world.” Brennan (2001) suggested that probably because of Campbell’s upbringing as a Christian, woman represents impurity to him and he holds Eve responsible for Adam’s fall. This is why she rather used the category ‘Temptation Away from the True Path’ instead of ‘Woman as the Temptress’. Brennan’s claim has some ground as many of Campbell’s examples were from the Bible and in those stories woman was always the temptress. However, in many stories it can actually be something quite other. In the film Matrix it was the world of comfortable illusions that tempted one of the characters, and in Star Wars the Dark Side of the Force tempts Luke, the hero. In The Lord of the Rings, it is the Ring that tempts the different characters, most notably Boromir, by promising them power to do things (like defend a city against Sauron’s forces) and to control people. In Campbell’s defence, it must 34 be said that also a woman acts as a temptress, but she does so in order to find out whether anyone in the Fellowship will falter. In addition, an interview by Collins (1986) reveals that Campbell thinks the Bible is “the most overadvertised book in the world”, so perhaps Brennan (2001) is not exactly on the right tracks in her suggestion of the influence of Campbell’s upbringing to the theory.
Now that I have discussed Campbell’s conception of a ‘hero’, I will give my reasons for choosing the characters Aragorn, Sam, Éowyn and Gandalf to be analysed alongside Frodo. What makes them heroes? According to Campbell they should be able to do something that others cannot and serve their communities as well. Starting from the main character, Frodo, his heroism is in taking the Ring all the way to Mount Doom. He is able to fight the temptation of the Ring for a very long time and by destroying the Ring, he helps not only his own community, but also the whole world. Aragorn’s heroism is in going through the Paths of the Dead, which no other Man could without his company. By becoming the King, Aragorn restores justice into the kingdoms he rules. Sam’s heroism is in wounding Shelob, since no one before him had ever succeeded in that. Sam’s service is to his own community restoring it after Saruman has defiled the nature in it. Éowyn’s and Gandalf’s deeds earning them to be called heroes are similar: Éowyn is able to kill the Witch-king, who no man could; and Gandalf kills the Balrog in which no one has succeeded and lived. Éowyn serves her community by showing that women should not be overlooked when it comes to great matters and Gandalf’s long task has been to help Middle-earth get rid of Sauron. Others have also analysed the heroism of the characters of LOTR. Flieger (1981) and Harvey (1985) have both discussed Frodo and Aragorn as heroes in a more in-depth analysis. Harvey (1985) has defined Frodo as a tragic hero and Aragorn as a quest hero comparing them with Tolkien’s other tragic and quest heroes. He also has analysed the hobbits to represent the Everyman. Flieger’s (1981) analysis is concentrated on the medieval tradition in their respective stories. He has analysed Frodo as the fairy-tale hero with whom everyone can identify with and Aragorn as the epic, 35 larger-than-life hero who we admire but cannot identify with (Flieger 1981: 41). I agree with both Flieger and Harvey in their analyses.
Having explained the main terms and background for Campbell’s theory as well as the story, I am now going to focus on Frodo’s Hero’s Journey. In this section I will analyse the main character’s Hero’s Journey based on my proseminar paper to which I have added my new findings after further research done for this thesis (Kesti 2003). Even though there are many heroes in LOTR, it really is primarily a “story of a journey undertaken by Frodo Baggins, a hobbit, chosen mysteriously to return a Ring which has great evil power to the place where it was forged” (Barber 1986: 1). This chapter will show what the Hero’s Journey could be when whole. I will also discuss Petty’s (1979) ideas concerning Frodo’s Hero’s Journey on those parts that differ from my analysis. First I am going to deal with how the adventure begins.
4.1 Departure
4.1.1 The Call to Adventure
According to Campbell (1966), the ‘Call to Adventure’ signifies the moment when the hero-to-be first encounters a power that is going to bring a change to the life that he or she has so far accustomed. This power is called the ‘herald’, who may summon the hero, for example, to some high historical undertaking or some other task that will bring a change to the hero’s life, which will never be the same again for better or for worse (Campbell 1966: 51). Campbell defines the herald to be typically regarded as “dark, loathly…judged evil by the world” (Campbell 1966: 53) and otherwise underestimated by appearance or, alternatively, the herald is an unknown, mysterious figure, who in any case would show fabulous things to the one who followed him. Gandalf is Frodo’s herald in LOTR. 36 Gandalf is described as an old man with a long white beard and bushy eyebrows in a long grey cloak and a tall, pointed, blue hat. He is seen as a trouble maker in many places and he is continually referred to as “ ‘that dratted wizard’ ”, “ ‘Galdalf Greyhame’ ”, “ ‘Gandalf Stormcrow’ ” and “ ‘Láthspell’ ” (LOTR 1995: 41, 425, 501, 502; emphasis in the original) meaning Illnews, by people who think he is just there to disturb the peace. Common people do not usually know what his business really is. However unwelcome he might seem, Gandalf happens to be one of the Wise and is considered a very respected person, among the wisest of Middle-earth. As already mentioned, he is one of the Istari, who were sent to incite the peoples of Middle-earth in resistance to Sauron. This means that Gandalf is actually a very important person to all the Free peoples in Middle-earth. In addition, in the beginning of LOTR, Gandalf asks Frodo to take the Ring to Rivendell and later on, as a consequence of Gandalf’s previous request, Frodo volunteers to take the historical undertaking of destroying the Ring and saving the world. This certainly brings a radical change into Frodo’s life. All this fits Campbell’s idea of a herald very well. One of the features of the ‘call to adventure’ is that it is linked with destiny. “Destiny has summoned the hero” (Campbell 1966: 58) and this is shown in conversations between Gandalf and Frodo. They are talking about the Ring and Gandalf tells Frodo about Bilbo finding the Ring and about fate: ‘Behind that there was something else at work, beyond any design of the Ring-maker. I can put it no plainer than by saying that Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, and not by its maker. In which case you were also meant to have it. And that may be an encouraging thought.’ (LOTR 1995: 54; emphasis in the original.)
Petty is very much on the same lines with me concerning this stage. However she (1979: 32-33) placed the call to an even earlier time, when Frodo received the Ring from Bilbo after the old Hobbit had left for Rivendell once 37 more. During the years leading up to the realization of what the Ring really was, Frodo grew restless and found himself looking at Bilbo’s old maps and wondering what might lay beyond those maps. The call to leave Shire strengthened all the time until he reached the same age Bilbo had his adventure. That was when Gandalf appeared and brought the call. Petty says that ”the call works subtly in Frodo” (1979: 32) from receiving the Ring onwards. This is true, but the actual call comes only when Gandalf comes to bring it. Petty (1979) mentioned nothing about ‘Refusal of the Call’, but as we shall see this stage also clearly emerges.
4.1.2 Refusal of the Call
Frodo is one of the heroes who, at first, refuses to take the task appointed to him by destiny. After he has found out what Gandalf has asked him to do, he says: “ ‘I really do wish to destroy it!’ cried Frodo. ‘Or, well, to have it destroyed. I am not made for perilous quests. I wish I had never seen the Ring! Why did it come to me? Why was I chosen?’ ” Even though Gandalf explains him why, Frodo still hesitates as he says: “ ‘You are wise and powerful. Will you not take the Ring?’ ” and Gandalf answers: “ ‘No!’ ” (LOTR 1995: 60). Gandalf does not dare to take the Ring for he knows that the desire to use it would be too great for him to resist and through him it would wield a “ ‘power too great and terrible’ ” (LOTR 1995: 60). Frodo feels that he is not yet ready to go on on an adventure and that this adventure might be too much for him in any case. Nevertheless, as Campbell notes that “not all who hesitate are lost” (1966: 64), Frodo too finds the courage to leave his beloved home, the Shire, and his friends behind. 4.1.3 Crossing the First Threshold I changed the order devised by Campbell (1966) between this stage and ‘Supernatural Aid’ because I found that in LOTR, Frodo receives supernatural aid more often after crossing the first threshold and only once before. In my opinion it is more instructive to initially describe about the ‘Crossing the First 38 Threshold’ because this order is more in keeping with the order of the events of the book. According to Campbell, the hero leaves his familiar surroundings in crossing the first threshold and steps into the unknown, where darkness and danger lie. Usually, people are proud, and content not to pass the familiar boundaries of, for example their land, dimension or universe, and the stories and beliefs of the society gives the persons every reason to fear the unexplored. (1966: 77-78.) Crossing the first threshold can be understood in two ways in Frodo’s Hero’s Journey. It can either be a figurative crossing when Frodo finds out what the Ring really is and steps into the world of legends and myths, or it can be understood literally as he crosses the boundaries of Shire by entering the Old Forest. “ ‘There!’ said Merry. ‘You have left the Shire, and are now outside, and on the edge of the Old Forest’ ” (LOTR 1995: 108). This forest is different than the other forests the hobbits know. The Old Forest is a forest that is “alive”; its trees can move, they can communicate with each other and they do not like strangers. The Shire people never go into it and one of Frodo’s friends, Fredegar Bolger, even feared that it was “ ‘quite as dangerous as Black Riders’ ” (LOTR 1995: 105), from the stories that he had heard. This fits Campbell’s (1979: 77-89) description exactly. For Frodo, “Crossing the First Threshold” is repeated once more when he enters into Mordor. Mordor is definitely a place most people want to stay away from. Like Sam says (LOTR 1995: 589): “ ‘That’s the one place in all the lands we’ve ever heard of that we don’t want to see any closer’ ”. The name ‘Mordor’ itself means either “The Black Land” or “the Land of Shadow” (The Silmarillion1999: 412). The landscape in Mordor is described as “ruinous and dead, a desert burned and choked” (LOTR 1995: 902) and of course, there are many Orcs. Frodo’s way to Mordor goes near the Pass of Cirith Ungol, which Faramir warns them to avoid. He has heard only rumours about how dangerous it is and tells that if “ ‘Cirith Ungol is named, old men and masters of lore will blanch and fall silent’ ” (LOTR 1995: 677). The way then leads them 39to Shelob’s lair, which Frodo gets through alive, but is stung by Shelob (more of this is told about below in the ‘Road of Trials’). Petty (1979: 33) had placed ‘Crossing the First Threshold’ starting from the Old Forest and reaching into when Frodo and his companions reach Rivendell. But Rivendell is one of the safest places in Middle-earth and though it can be said to be unknown to the Hobbits, it cannot be thought of as stepping into darkness and danger.
4.1.4 Supernatural Aid
For those who have not refused the call the first encounter of the hero- journey is with a protective figure (often a little old crone or old man) who provides the adventurer with amulets against the dragon forces he is about to pass. (Campbell 1966: 69.)
Campbell gives more options to what the helper could be like, however, the next qualities are what I decided to concentrate on first: the helper being some little fellow of the wood in a masculine form who appears to give the hero amulets and advice. Campbell also tells that this sort of a helper represents the protecting power of destiny (1966: 71-72). Such a helper can be found in different forms at least six times during Frodo’s adventure. The first time Frodo meets with a helper is when he is still in the Shire, but he is pursued by the Black Riders. Frodo, Sam and Pippin meet the High Elves lead by Gildor Inglorion, who is masculine and old, but since his an elf, he looks like a young man and he is tall. Nevertheless, his company of Elves brings them safety and he also gives Frodo advice. The second time that Frodo meets a helper, is when he, Sam, Merry and Pippin are in the Old Forest. Old Man Willow, an old tree of the forest, has lured the four near him and is holding Merry and Pippin inside him. Frodo and Sam cannot get them out of the tree and Frodo starts crying for help.
Suddenly he hears singing and a man appears: “He was too large and heavy for a hobbit, if not quite tall enough for one of the Big People…his eyes were 40 blue and bright, and his face was red as a ripe apple but creased into a hundred wrinkles of laughter” (LOTR 1995: 117). This fellow is Tom Bombadil and he later on tells the hobbits that he is “ ‘Eldest…Tom was here before the river and the trees’ ” (LOTR 1995: 129), so he certainly is old. Tom Bombadil helps Merry and Pippin to get out of the tree by singing and commanding the tree to let them out. Then he brings them to his house where they spend two days with him and his wife Goldberry. When the hobbits are about to leave, Tom tells them which road to take, to avoid the Barrow-downs because they are dangerous and not to be afraid but to mind their own business. After that he teaches them a rhyme to sing, if they should fall into any danger or difficulty the next day. Indeed, the hobbits are captured by a Barrow-wight. Frodo remembers the rhyme and soon Tom comes to rescue them. He also gives the hobbits daggers that he found from the Barrow-wight’s cave. After that, he escorts them back to the Road they are heading for and, before leaving, gives them one more piece of advice: to go to the Inn of the Prancing Pony in the village of Bree.
The third helper is Glorfindel, an Elven-wise and an Elf-lord, “ ‘one of the mighty of the Firstborn [i.e. elves]’ ” (LOTR 1995: 217). He saves Frodo by driving the Ringwraiths, who are afraid of his powers, to jump into the river when they chase Frodo in the borders of Rivendell. Frodo’s cousin Bilbo, whom they meet in Rivendell is the fourth helper. At that time, Bilbo was already 128 years old and seems to fit the outwardly description of the helper. Before journeying on, Bilbo aids Frodo by giving him an elven-sword called Sting that glows in the dark when orcs are near, and by giving him a mithrilcoat (a sort of chain mail) as hard as dragon scales made by the Dwarves. These are a great help to Frodo and they save his life on many occasions during his adventure. Before I concentrate on the fifth helper, I must add more of Campbell’s descriptions of what the helper could be like. Campbell says that the helper in the form of the “fairy godmother is a familiar feature of European fairy lore” (Campbell 1966: 71) and in Christian legends it is often played by the Virgin. 41These both represent the Cosmic Mother that protects the hero. The fifth time Frodo receives help, it is from a helper that fits not the descriptions of an old man or of an old crone for she indeed is not ugly. She happens to be the second most beautiful female in Middle-earth for her beauty is surpassed only by her granddaughter, Arwen Evenstar. One thing is true, though: she has lived for almost as long as the first elves that came into being many thousands of years ago. Thus it can be said that she is old. Nevertheless, she fits the role of the fairy godmother best. This lady is the Lady of Lothlórien, Galadriel, who gives Frodo a phial that will glow in places where all other lights go out and a cloak that will keep him out of sight of unfriendly eyes. The last of these types of helpers I will discuss is Faramir. Frodo and Sam meet Faramir in Ithilien, where they are taken captive by his men. When Faramir understands what the hobbits quest is, he releases them, gives them advice concerning Cirith Ungol and Gollum, food, and staves for walking that have a virtue ‘ “set upon them of finding and returning” ’ (LOTR 1995: 679). Campbell mentions one more type of helper: the guide. For Frodo there are three characters who act as the guide. Gandalf advises Frodo to make for Rivendell but the first actual guide is Aragorn, who in the absence of Gandalf leads the Hobbits there. Aragorn continues to be their guide after leaving Rivendell, except in Moria, where Gandalf knows the way best. After losing Gandalf in the mines of Moria, Aragorn takes the lead again and guides the Fellowship as far as the Falls of Rauros. Frodo’s last guide, Gollum, appears at the Rocks of Emyn Muil near Mordor, where Sam and Frodo have been wandering lost for some time. In the end, Gollum leads the two hobbits all the way to the Pass of Cirith Ungol from where they are able to slip into Mordor.
4.1.5 The Belly of the Whale
The symbolic “Belly of the Whale” occurs three times for Frodo: the first time is when he is under the ground trapped in the grave by the Barrow-wight; the second occurs when he is stabbed by the Witch King of Angmar and nearly dies; and the third one when he is stung by Shelob. Campbell explains that 42although the hero may “appear to have died” (1966: 90), the belly of the whale actually symbolizes a womb and means the hero’s rebirth. The three events for Frodo combine him nearly dying (the stabbing), appearing to have died (the stinging) and an actual grave (the Barrow-wight). Frodo is also transformed by the stabbing; Gandalf describes Frodo looking “ ‘like a glass filled with a clear light for eyes to see that can’ ” (LOTR 1995: 217). 4.2 Initiation
4.2.1 The Road of Trials
After crossing the threshold, the hero must go through many trials, where he is “aided by the advice, amulets, and secret agents of the supernatural helper” (Campbell 1966: 97). Campbell also describes how “dragons have now to be slain and surprising barriers passed – again, again, and again. Meanwhile there will be a multitude of preliminary victories, unretainable ecstasies, and momentary glimpses of the wonderful land” (1966: 109). Frodo’s road of trials begins from when he leaves Tom Bombadil’s lands and does not end until he gets to Mount Doom, where he goes through the last of these trials. Along his road of trials, the “wonderful lands” that he glimpses are Rivendell and Lothlórien. Frodo is aided by the rhyme he learned from Tom Bombadil and by the fellow himself. He is also aided by the mithril-coat and Sting that were given to him by Bilbo, by Galadriel’s Phial and the cloak she gave, by lembas (elven waybread), and hithlain (elven rope) that they were given by Galadriel’s people. In addition, Frodo receives help from many different persons such as Gollum, Sam, Aragorn, Faramir, Glorfindel and Gandalf to name but a few. Many examples of how Frodo is helped in different ways during his way to Mount Doom could be given, but I shall concentrate on how the artefacts have helped him. Bilbo’s gifts certainly helped Frodo. In Moria the Fellowship battles against Orcs. One of them thrust his spear straight at Frodo on the right side and he was “hurled against the wall and pinned” (LOTR 1995: 317). However, Frodo 43 does not get hurt because his mithril mail-coat shields him from a thrust that “ ‘would have skewered a wild boar’ ” as Aragorn puts it (LOTR 1995: 319). The other of Bilbo’s gifts, Sting, is a constant help. Not only does it warn Frodo of Orcs near by, but it also hurts malicious beings more than a normal sword could, for it was forged by the Elves and all things made by them possess the same power. For example, when Shelob attacks Frodo, Sam takes Sting and wounds the spider with it, even though its flesh was harder than that of the dragons. Shelob is pained by this blow and using the star-like light of Galadriel’s Phial that Sam had got from Frodo for safe keeping, Sam drives the spider away. Lembas helps Sam and Frodo a lot when they get to Mordor. It is even said in The Return of the King that “the lembas had a virtue without which they would long ago have lain down to die” and that “it fed the will, and it gave strength to endure, and to master sinew and limb beyond the measure of mortal kind” (LOTR 1995: 915; emphasis in the original). They also had need of hithlain when they were trying to get nearer to Mordor in The Two Towers. Sam and Frodo were in the razor-sharp rocks of Emyn Muil trying to find a way down and they thought of using the rope. To their surprise, it was just long enough and it even dropped down by itself when Sam called it. Like Sting and lembas, Frodo and the rest of the Fellowship have constant need for their Elven hoods and cloaks. The cloaks keep them warm and for example Frodo and Sam hiding under the cloaks that make them nearly invisible have the element of surprise over Gollum, when they first meet him as he tries to kill them and take the Ring in Emyn Muil, near Mordor. 4.2.2 The Meeting with the Goddess
By this, Campbell is talking about “the paragon of all paragons of beauty, the reply to all desire, the bliss-bestowing goal of every hero’s earthly and unearthly quest” (1966: 110-111), who lures and guides and bids the hero to break his chains. According to Campbell, the hero also marries her (1966: 109), but such is not the case with Frodo; he never marries. 44 The goddess for Frodo is however Galadriel, who is very beautiful, very wise and with the Mirror of Galadriel she has a way to get knowledge of the future, the past, and what is happening at the moment. She allows Frodo to look into the Mirror, where he last sees the Eye of Sauron. Galadriel helps Frodo to understand many things of the nature of the Ring. She also gives gifts to the Fellowship – for Frodo she gives a crystal phial where “ ‘is caught the light of Eärendil’s star’ ”, which will “ ‘shine still the brighter when night is about you’ ” (LOTR 1995: 367).
4.2.3 Woman as the Temptress, or Temptation Away from the True Path Frodo is tempted away from the true path by two different people during his adventure: the first time it happens when he sees Galadriel’s power and offers her the Ring, which she luckily rejects; and the second time Frodo is tempted by advice from one of the Fellowship, Boromir, to go to Mordor through Minas Tirith. Frodo answers Boromir’s suggestion that “ ‘it would seem like wisdom but for the warning of my heart’ ” (LOTR 1995: 388). Frodo knows which road he must take, but he is afraid. He is also continuously tempted by the Ring to put it on, which he does many times during his adventure. He finally succumbs to the temptation standing on Sammath Naur (The Chambers of Fire inside Mount Doom), where he should have destroyed the Ring. “ ‘I have come,’ he said. ‘But I do not choose now to do what I came to do. I will not do this deed. The Ring is mine!’ ” (LOTR 1995: 924). The temptation and the power of the Ring was at that point simply too great for him. This event leads to Frodo’s apotheosis, which I will discuss in more detail below.
4.2.4 Apotheosis
”We no longer desire and fear; we are what was desired and feared” (1966: 162) describes Campbell apotheosis (i.e becoming divine). This is true of Frodo. 45When Frodo claims the Ring for his own, he in a way becomes divine by becoming what he feared and desired. As I mentioned above, Frodo has had to fight his desire to use the Ring all through his journey. He puts it on his finger for four times before he reaches Sammath Naur (once in Bombadil’s House, once in the inn at Bree, once at Weathertop and once at Amon Hen), which tells us that resisting the Ring is no easy matter. As much as he desires it, he also fears it, or what he would become if he gave in to the Ring. He has seen its effect on Bilbo when Frodo shows the Ring to him in Rivendell; and he has seen what the Ring has made Gollum. He does not want that for himself. The quotation of Campbell above also means that in ‘Apotheosis’ the hero learns that he is what he was looking for in the first place, as I have already mentioned in explaining the theory in chapter three. When Frodo chooses to put on the Ring, he chooses evil. The power of the Ring had grown too great for Frodo to resist it any more. Sam and Frodo are the only ones that know that Frodo did not succeed in his quest to destroy the Ring – in the end he faltered and failed. This is something that Frodo can never really get over. Segal explains the hero “discovers his true identity. He discovers who he really is” (1987: 5). He is distressed by it for the rest of his life in Middle-earth (nothing is known of his life in Valinor). However, the fact that Frodo was unable to destroy the Ring does not mean that Frodo would not have been heroic – he did what no one else could have done by just bringing the Ring to Sammath Naur (see Kocher 1973: 120-121). Petty also connects ‘Atonement with the Father’ to this event. In her opinion, Sauron is Frodo’s symbolic father figure. Here, she claims (Petty 1979: 55), the son is set “against the father for the mastery of the universe” (Campbell 1966: 136), for the power of Sauron is indeed in the Ring and he wants to enslave all others. When the Ring is destroyed, “the father” is destroyed as well. Here the son does not take his father’s position or his powers. This is explained a little by the fact that Frodo’s quest is not to seek anything, but to destroy (thus saving the world). Petty makes quite a convincing case with her arguments, 46but in claiming that Sauron should somehow be regarded as Frodo’s father figure, the analogy falls a bit short.
4.2.5 The Ultimate Boon
The boon has to be acquired either by stealing it or by receiving it from the powers that hold it (Campbell 1966: 172-192). After the blessing has been acquired in some way the whole world of natural experience explodes, but “the miracle of miracles was that though all explodes, all was nevertheless thereby renewed, revivified” (Campbell 1966: 192). It could be seen that Sauron’s power is stolen as the Ring is destroyed. Of course neither Frodo nor Gollum gets the power, nor does anyone else. The destruction of the Ring leads to a great tumult in Mordor as Mount Doom explodes. The theft leads to an escape from the collapsing mountain back to safety. After Sauron’s ruin, the whole world seems more like a paradise as the sun is shining and the air is
“full of a sweet mingled scent” (LOTR 1995: 930). That is the boon – peace and destruction of Evil. Frodo also gets a reward for his pains; Arwen gives him her place on the ship to Valinor. When accepted, this gift is no more or less than the gift of immortality in a place that can heal his wounds. Petty also adds that the final boon is that the four hobbits have acquired the skills to defeat the intruders in Shire (1979: 86).
4.3. Return
4.3.1 Freedom to Live
Originally, Campbell had the category of ‘Refusal of the Return’ as the first category of this section. Yet since the ‘Freedom to Live’ in Frodo’s case is so tightly connected with the last category of the previous section, The Ultimate Boon, and since ‘Refusal of the Return’ occurs last in the adventure, I decided to change the order a bit. Of ‘Freedom to Live’, Campbell says that “the battlefield is symbolic of the field of life, where every creature lives on the death of another” (1966: 238). 47When the Ring is destroyed, the consequences are felt immediately everywhere; nobody has to ‘bring’ the peace in any way. Orcs and those peoples on the side of the Dark Lord flee or surrender or get ready for the last fight after this happens. When they are beaten, the Free peoples that opposed the rule of Sauron get back the freedom they almost lost. Petty (1979) does not mention anything about this stage or the next. 4.3.2 Rescue from Without
After the hero attains the trophy by theft, or in Frodo’s case, destroys it without the permission of the trophy’s owner, he has to flee. In some cases “The hero may have to be brought back from his supernatural adventure by assistance from without” and return from “the mystic realm into the land of common day” says Campbell (1966: 207 and 216).
This was the case of Frodo and Sam, who were not able flee by themselves and so they get help from Gandalf and the Great Eagles. The birds find them lying on a little hill surrounded by lava, and carry them away. After they wake up outside Mordor, in a land that is more familiar to them, Sam thinks he has seen a nightmare at first and is glad that he has now woken up.
4.3.3 The Crossing of the Return Threshold
The worlds that the hero knows are usually as “different… as day and night” (Campbell 1966: 217). “The hero ventures out of the land we know into darkness; there he accomplishes his adventure” (Campbell 1966: 217). Then he must return back to the land of light from where he left (ibid.). To the hero, this may be very hard, for he has to go back to live with people that he now finds are incomplete, but have no idea of it themselves (Campbell 1966: 216). The land of day for Frodo was the Shire, to which Gandalf or any of the hobbits’ other companions did not return with them, leaving the hobbits to “ ‘settle its [the Shire’s] affairs yourselves’, ” (LOTR 1995: 974) as Gandalf put it. Even though Frodo was glad to get back, he suffered from his old wounds every year on the same date that they had happened. He thought that after his 48adventure he would enjoy the Shire for years and years, but he could not enjoy it the way it was anymore. “ ‘I have been too deeply hurt, Sam. I tried to save the Shire, and it has been saved, but not for me. It must often be so, Sam, when things are in danger: some one has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them’ ” (LOTR 1995: 1006). After saying this, Frodo loses his home forever as he, Bilbo, Gandalf, Galadriel and other Elves journey to Valinor, the land of the Valar that is filled with wonders and where nobody ever dies.
4.3.4 Master of the Two Worlds
Frodo did become a master of the two worlds in a small sense: he was well respected in the outside world but not that respected in the Shire. Frodo’s mind dwells on his journeys as he writes his memoirs, but his body remains in the Shire: he does not venture outside the Shire again before he leaves for Valinor. He does feel his journey in his body too, though, as I have already mentioned, Frodo suffers every year from his wounds.
4.3.5 Refusal of the Return
The heroes may often refuse to return from “the blessed isle of the unaging Goddess of Immortal Being” (Campbell 1966: 193). Campbell situated this stage to precede all the stages of returning from the adventure. In many cases this is so, but in LOTR this does not happen until the very end. Frodo was glad to get out of Mordor and to get back home from his adventures, but as I have shown above, he no longer found happiness from the Shire, his home. Therefore, he decides not to go back to where he had his adventures, but to go to Valinor that has the same wonders he saw in his journey, and even more marvellous things that he has ever dared to dream, but no evil things. Thus Frodo does not have the same problem that the heroes normally would have – whether to stay in paradise or to go home and help the people – Frodo does his duty first and then receives his consolation prize (for losing his home) of Valinor. 49
4.4 Summary of Frodo’s analysis
Now that I have analysed Frodo’s Hero’s Journey, the different categories of the theory should be clearer to the reader. In Frodo’s Hero’s Journey, all the essential phases with the most important categories can be found. His Hero’s Journey follows the stages very much in the same order that Campbell has organised the stages in The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Even though Frodo’s quest is quite different from most quests, in that his quest is to destroy something instead of acquiring something, it does not have much effect on his journey as a hero. The analysis on Frodo seems to validate Campbell’s theory. There were a few differences concerning Petty’s analysis on Frodo compared to mine. I could see a few stages Petty had not analysed at all (‘Refusal of the Call’, ‘The Belly of the Whale’, ‘Freedom to Live’, and ‘Rescue from Without’).
In addition, I also disagreed on some of her suggestions concerning the point of occurrence of certain phases on Frodo’s Hero’s Journey. These include the time of the call to adventure and the emergence from crossing the first threshold. She also claimed that Frodo’s father figure would have been Sauron, but there is not enough material in the book to back up her idea in any way.