culture myth they come from. He calls this structure Monomyth, and many authors and producers all over the world have used it. Most of the novels, books or video games today use this structure to create new Heroes. According to Campbell, Monomyth has three fundamental structures that each Hero must go through: departure, initiation, and return. Each structure has different stages or motives, but it is very hard to find a Hero who went through all those motifs. The Hero path from the novel written by Suzanne Collins “The Hunger Game” is a good example of the heroic journey. Through in-depth analysis of the novel this essay will explain how Monomyth has been used and what motifs its Hero went through.
The main character or the Hero of the novel is an ordinary 16-years-old girl name Katniss Everdeen. She lives in District 12, where coal is produced. Most people from this District live in the state of poverty. Every year, two tributes from each district are chosen to compete in the Hunger Games. These games are a punishment for the rebellion that tries to overthrow the Capitol many ears ago. The Hunger Games has only one rule: to kill, or be killed. Along with Peeta Mellark, Katniss is to represent District 12 in the 74th Hunger Games.
First section of the Heroic journey is departure. During this stage, a Hero deals with the adventures prior to the main quest. His experience is same sort off event that disrupts his world or adjusts the way he sees the world. This experience puts a person upon a threshold where he must choose to either stay an ordinary person and keep living the life the way he has been living, or to step into the unknown world and become a Hero. This part of the journey separates a Hero from his normal world.
Any heroic journey begins with “The call for Adventure”.
This motif removes the Heroes from their normal environment. Hero must leave his home, family, friends, and his life to begin his quest. Usually there is a discovery, danger, or some event that makes him start his heroic path. This motif occurs in most of the myths. Myth about Odyssey starts by Odyssey summoned by the King Agamemnon to fight in the Trojan War. Another example is a myth about Perseus where he has been commanded by King Polydectes to bring him the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Myth about Jason also has call for adventure motif: King Palias agrees to give Jason the throne back, only if he will bring him the Golden Fleece. Katniss’ “Call of Adventure” stage begins when her younger sister has been randomly selected as a tribute for the Hunger Games. In order to save her, Katniss has to volunteer herself to replace her. This is when her journey begins, and where she has been torn from her normal surrounding. She chooses to leave her home and family and starts her Heroic …show more content…
Next motif of the departure that Katniss has to face is “Supernatural Aid”. In this stage, Hero faces his magical helper or guider, who helps him to get ready for the upcoming quest. “More often than not, this supernatural mentor will present the Hero with one or more talismans or artifacts that will aid him later in his quest.” (Wikipedia) This motif has been part of the myths in different cultures. Heroes are almost always start their journey with the character who has mastered his or her skills and come back to give his or her wisdom to others. Odyssey had many helpers: Athina was helping him through all his journey, as well as Zues and Aeolus who gave him winds as a gift. In the myth about Heracles, Oracle of Delphi plays the role of the mentor who tells him that by serving the King Eurystheus he can atone his terrible crime. Another myth with supernatural aid is myth about Perseus. His guiders and helpers were Hermes, who gave him a sickle, and Athena, who gave him a polished shield. One more myth that has this motif is a myth about Jason who once helped goddess Hera to cross the river. After that incident, she became very fond of him, and helped him through his journey.
Like many myth Heroes, Katniss did not go to the quest all by herself. She is one of the Heroes who got both, the helper and the talisman. Before meeting her “supernatural aid”, Katniss had a chance to say goodbye to her family. One of her friends gave her a little mockingjay pin (a bird that can imitate different voices) that become Katniss symbol and later a symbol of the rebellion against the Capitol. Even though Katniss mentor did not give her any talismans, he and his team taught her how to act like a tribute and helped her to get the skills she needs to pass her quest.
Another motif that is a part of the Departure stage is “Crossing the Threshold”. This motif makes the Hero to leave his old life behind and enters the new one. It is not easy to do. Hero goes from the safety of the house to the unpredictable world where he must learn new rules. Perseus crosses his threshold after he meets with the Graeae, who tell him how to find Nymphia. Heracles crossed his threshold once he agreed to serve the King Eurystheus and complete ten labors for him. Another threshold has been crossed in the myth about Odyssey. His new journey begins, after Trojan War is over and he starts to sail home. Katniss crosses the threshold by taking the train to the Capitol. This train takes her from her hometown to the new unknown world. There is no way back after that; no escape. She cannot just go back home and leave her life as she used to. In the Capitol, she starts preparing for the games and meets her opponents form other districts.
Last motif of the Departure stage is “Belly of the Whale”.
It “represents the final separation from the Hero's known world and self”. (Wikipedia) The Hero enters the place of danger; the space that is important. Belly of Whale can be found in Odissey: it is an island where he meets with the Cyclopes, Polyphemus, who almost killed him. Jason enters “Belly of Whale” in the Symplegades, The Clashing Rock; very dangerous place where he needs special instructions to navigate in. Another example where “Belly of the Whale” present is a myth about Perseus. For him, it is an island of the Gorgons, where he has to face Medusa. Ketniss enters “Belly of Whale” when she enters arena of the Hunger Games. Katniss is all by herself in the woods with other tributes whose only wish is to kill her. There is a danger in every step she takes, and no one is there to help her. She is now fully absorbed in this new world and must play by its
The second section of the heroic journey is initiation. According to the dictionary, initiation means “the action of admitting someone into a secret or obscure society or group, typically with a ritual”. That is what this section of heroic journey means in Monomyth. A Hero becomes a true heroic figure through various trails and rites. His true character develops through battles and daring. Hero works his way up the ladder to eventually get where his destiny brings him. After this stage, others must accept a Hero as a Hero with special power and abilities.
First motif that belongs to initiation and can be found in Hunger Games is “Road of Trials”. Hero must go through series of different challenges, problems and trials. These challenges make him stronger and prepare him for the finale. Usually a helper or a guardian helps the Hero to pass through all of the trials with the aid of gifts and advices.